GETUTCDATE returning invalid date

  • Recently I created a user defined function to return the current SQL Server's UTC. Here is the code:

    CREATE function [dbo].[udf_GetServerUTCOffset]


    RETURNS int



    declare @utc int

    if getutcdate() > getdate()

    select @utc = datepart(hh, (getutcdate() - getdate() )) * -1


    select @utc = datepart(hh, getutcdate() - getdate() )

    return @utc


    When running this udf on a busy server, the results are inconsistent. Here in the East Coast this function returns -5. When exercising this function over 100,000 iterations, I see that this function is returning -4 serveral times. On ocasion it just starts returning -4 without stopping.

    Here is the iteration code:

    set nocount on

    declare @cnt int

    declare @utc int

    select @cnt = 1

    while @cnt < 1000000


    Select @cnt = @cnt + 1

    select @utc = dbo.udf_GetServerUTCOffset()

    if @utc <> -5

    select ' @utc=' + cast(@utc as varchar(20)) + ' at iteration = ' + cast(@cnt as varchar(20))


    Is this a SQL 2005 server bug or is it the code being used inside the udf? Any responses would be appreciated.



  • Curious, why aren't you using DATEDIFF?

    select getdate(), getutcdate(), datediff(hh, getutcdate(), getdate());

  • Al I'm seeing the same thing; i even changed it so that the calculation was in the loop, instead of as a function; i still got -4 offsets sometimes, but i got fewer of them.

    with the inline code, i got ~10 errors in 2005, and ~3 errors in 2008; with the function, i seemed to get 3x that number pretty consistently.

    declare @cnt int

    declare @utc int

    select @cnt = 1

    while @cnt < 1000000


    Select @cnt = @cnt + 1

    if getutcdate() > getdate()

    select @utc = datepart(hh, (getutcdate() - getdate() )) * -1


    select @utc = datepart(hh, getutcdate() - getdate() )

    if @utc <> -5

    select ' @utc=' + cast(@utc as varchar(20)) + ' at iteration = ' + cast(@cnt as varchar(20))



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  • I am going to try Lynn's approach to see if that also triggers the problem.

    Yes, I also noticed that doing it straight code you would get less problems.

    I going to gobble up some lunch and try it later. Let me know if you guys try Lynn's approach.


  • Change your code. I ran the following (UTC difference is -7 where I am), no problems:

    declare @cnt int

    declare @utc int

    select @cnt = 1

    while @cnt < 1000000


    Select @cnt = @cnt + 1

    set @utc = datediff(hh, getutcdate(), getdate())

    -- if getutcdate() > getdate()

    -- select @utc = datepart(hh, (getutcdate() - getdate() )) * -1

    -- else

    -- select @utc = datepart(hh, getutcdate() - getdate() )

    if @utc <> -7

    select ' @utc=' + cast(@utc as varchar(20)) + ' at iteration = ' + cast(@cnt as varchar(20))


  • i used Lynns approach and stuck the results in a temp table;

    no -4 offsets at all when i did that:

    --create the tmp table

    select getdate() As dt, getutcdate() as utcdt, datediff(hh, getutcdate(), getdate()) as diff into #tmp;

    --run the loop

    declare @cnt int

    declare @utc int

    select @cnt = 1

    while @cnt < 1000000


    Select @cnt = @cnt + 1

    insert into #tmp(dt,utcdt,diff)

    select getdate(), getutcdate(), datediff(hh, getutcdate(), getdate());


    --find exceptions

    select * from #tmp where diff <> -5

    drop table #tmp


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Why is that happening?

  • Now, for the gotcha, not all UTC offsets are hourly. You will find some that have an odd offset, like 12.5 hours. In this case, you may want the offset in minutes instead of hours.

  • Lynn,

    That is for other than the US, unless that has changed recently.

    ie: somewhere in south america and some places in Africa use 1/2 hours and 45 minutes.


  • True, but just keep in mind that those never will change requirements always do. Best to be prepared should it occur.

  • Lynn,

    I couldn't agree more. I try to account for as much as I can get my brain around it. But sometime rely on someone else testing to make sure.

    Thanks for the datediff tip instead of using dateadd. I get to comfortable using dateadd for almost everthing to do with date calculations.

    You are the best!!!


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