Getting Time gap in day

  • I have a requirement wherein there are 2 columns : In Time and Out Time. I need to get the time gap in day between in time and out time.

    For eg: if In time is 2010-11-09 02:01:00 and Out time in 2010-11-08 02:45:00 then I need to know the time fram is between 2-3? Is there any method of doing this other than creating a temp table and storing hours and then getting the time gap?

  • select DATEDIFF(hour,'2010-10-08 23:59:59','2010-10-09 03:00:00')


    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Thnks for the response.

    Actually I did not want the hour diffrence, I wanted the time for which the employee was in? ie in this case from 12 to 3 the person is in.

  • If this isn't what you want, then please read the link in my signature.

    (note: there may be a better way of doing this)



    InTime DATETIME,

    OutTime DATETIME)


    SELECT '2010-11-09 02:15:00', '2010-11-09 02:45:00'

    UNION ALL SELECT '2010-11-09 01:01:00', '2010-11-09 01:45:00'

    UNION ALL SELECT '2010-11-08 00:01:00', '2010-11-09 12:45:00'

    SELECT id,

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(Datepart(HOUR, Dateadd(HOUR, Datediff(HOUR, '20000101',Dateadd(MINUTE, 30,intime)),'20000101')) AS NVARCHAR(2)), 2)

    + ':' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(Datepart(MINUTE, Dateadd(HOUR,Datediff(HOUR, '20000101',Dateadd(MINUTE,30, intime)),'20000101')) AS NVARCHAR(2)), 2)

    + ' - ' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(Datepart(HOUR, Dateadd(HOUR, Datediff(HOUR, '20000101',Dateadd(MINUTE, 30, outtime)),'20000101')) AS NVARCHAR(2)), 2)

    + ':' +

    RIGHT('0' + CAST(Datepart(MINUTE,Dateadd(HOUR,Datediff(HOUR,'20000101',Dateadd(MINUTE,30,outtime)),'20000101')) AS NVARCHAR(2)), 2)

    AS TimeIn


    Output: -


    id TimeIn

    ----------- -------------

    1 02:00 - 03:00

    2 01:00 - 02:00

    3 00:00 - 13:00


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  • More compact query:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @TABLE TABLE(


    InTime DATETIME,

    OutTime DATETIME)


    SELECT '2010-11-09 02:15:00', '2010-11-09 02:45:00'

    UNION ALL SELECT '2010-11-09 01:01:00', '2010-11-09 01:45:00'

    UNION ALL SELECT '2010-11-08 00:01:00', '2010-11-09 12:45:00'

    SELECT id,

    Convert( varchar(3), intime, 108 ) + '00' +

    ' - ' +

    Convert( varchar(3), DateAdd( hour, 1, outtime ), 108 ) + '00'

    FROM @TABLE[/font]

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