getting the dts package name from sysdtspackages

  • i'm pulling all the job names, and dts package that are being run by pulling the name

    from the command column. problem is... many of them are encrypted.

    is there a way i can get the name?

    here's the query:

    select, command from msdb..sysjobs sj join msdb..sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id where command like '%dtsrun%'

    order by asc

    if someone has a better way of getting the job name, and dts package name it's running

    then i'm down.

    thanks in advance 🙂


  • It depends on what you mean by encrypted. If it is truly encrypted

    Ie looks something like this:

    DTSRun /~Z0xDAC2174AE009BA9EAFDFE4F8C02C4D5E70E125E112D6ECC40408B206774CA90EA767DE8612443BCE01BF6BB84E7C9E08AA9DDA04FD11DED435F81A2BAD5B95367F58222BDD99DE29D1B4536486954C5C15FB84B234DA01877CEB543538196CD304B38C2983B8DC9947291BFBD3D7DAFAA763BFD72296FCE44C602BEE4FEF18DF494A4B94C2D4AB60130C125741945A475789A80C4CF59ABE1524613EB4397A63EFB70C9198248F7563B657DA7561F340BA561C61687A1ADC3FD72FADC09B76DE46358042E40C338F24D2F1

    Then to the best of my knowledge there is no way to tell what DTS package the job is actually running.

    If on the other hand it looks something like this:

    dtsrun /E /S ServerName /G "{BB286F23-934C-41DB-B0CA-FA1E4948B824}"

    Then you could try something like this:

    select,, command

    from msdb..sysjobs sj

    join msdb..sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysdtspackages dts on sjs.command LIKE '%'+cast(id as varchar(100))+'%'

    where command like '%dtsrun%'

    order by asc

    Kenneth FisherI was once offered a wizards hat but it got in the way of my dunce cap.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...[/url]For better answers on performance questions, click on the following...[/url]Link to my Blog Post -->[/url]

  • thanks for the info...

    unfortuantely; i'm still getting alot of this:

    DTSRun /~Z0xA4B4A470F16C241170D086F8277AAB179479EAEF0653209E93D3B0C54A5941C67F5274344A50AC0F315B532EA2ADCFB782696FACCC7E993E92AD91161BF2A40F3E4530A93BA3CDC6C0DA082360EE7A797CF35B455574BBE18BB3C8ECFFD8CC3789EF01826362E5EDFBBFAFE346695984CD28CA914B520A4C1116

    so i suppose i'm left in the dark on what is being executed.



  • i remember a script from while back that would do some kind of decryption. i think

    it's in the scripts repository here. i'll see if i can dig it up.


  • I would love to see it if you can find it.

    Kenneth FisherI was once offered a wizards hat but it got in the way of my dunce cap.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...[/url]For better answers on performance questions, click on the following...[/url]Link to my Blog Post -->[/url]

  • To decrypt a DTSRUN command as used in a job step, copy the command to a cmd prompt, append /!X /!C to the end, and run it.

    The !X argument blocks execution of the package and the !C argument copies the unencrypted command to the Windows clipboard.

    Just open Notepad and paste to see the unencrypted command.


    DTSRun /~Z0x5F473BFAEEC0EE48EAF6121A88792F925A32FAF162A18E19FB06C5246A4CA2785EE38A17F0A6101B17B16C8F336C65EBF62B0E624C1E9B83 /!X /!C


    BTW, Since this is posted in a SQL2005 forum, you might need to install the DTS 2000 runtime components to be able to use DTSRUN.


  • yeah... it was an accident. i have shortcuts setup to 2005 admin section.

    forgot to get into the 2000 area.


  • Greg I have to say that is probably one of the coolest things I have seen in awhile.

    Kenneth FisherI was once offered a wizards hat but it got in the way of my dunce cap.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...[/url]For better answers on performance questions, click on the following...[/url]Link to my Blog Post -->[/url]

  • I can't take credit for figuring it out, but I pass it on every chance I get!



  • i've got to say... this is pretty awesome.

    unfortunately; could take a while. i've got hundreds of packages, but if

    thats whats needed...

    a dba's got to do what a dba's got to do.

    thanks 🙂


  • something interesting though... (pseudo logic)

    whats your take on this:

    selecting out all the job names, and 'command' encryption lines into

    a table, then concatenating an xp_cmdshell statement to include

    the DTSRUN statement including the '/!' switches then (... and here

    is the hard part...) getting it to paste or 'print' the output including

    the the job name.

    select 'print ''' + + '''' + char(10) + 'go' + char(10) +

    'xp_cmdshell ' + left (sjs.command, ???) + ' /!X /!C'

    from sysjobs sj join sysjobsteps sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id order by asc

    not so good logic, but you can get an idea where i'm going with this...

    i wouldn't know where to begin to get the equivalent of CTRL+V into the Enterprise

    Manager or Management Studio Output window.

    do you think something like this is do-able?


  • That's very cool, and useful, thanks.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • this will return all packages that are encrypted from sql server 2000.

    even though 'DTSRUN' applies to the SQL 2000 environment i strongly recommend

    this be run from management studio so you can see the entire encryption string.

    then simply copy and paste the command string into the command prompt, and

    then paste the output into a notepad, or something.

    unfortunately it's a manual (1 at a time) process, but at least gets you what you


    use msdb


    select, step_name, step_id, command + ' /!X /!C' from sysjobs sj join sysjobsteps sjs

    on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id where command like '%dtsrun /~%' order by, step_id asc


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