Getting the details of the rows into columns

  • There are two table structures which will have the below columns

    Table 1 ---- RequestID, Requestorname

    Table 2 ---- RequestID,ApproverName,Approved Date

    the sample data can be like


    Requestid RequestorName

    1 XYZ


    RequestID ApproverName Approved Date

    1 AAAAA 22/10/2010

    1 BBBBBB 23/10/2010

    Here the number of Records in Table2 will be changing for each requestid , Now i want a report of the format

    Requestid(Table1), RequestorName(Table1),ApproverName(table2 Row1),Approved date(table2 Row1),ApproverName(table2 Row2) ,Approved date(table2 Row2),.............

    ApproverName(table2 RowN) ,Approved date(table2 RowN)

    Here we need the report displaying all the requests at a time and the number of rows in table 2 for each request will be changing, Please let me know how to write this query.

  • What you are looking for is to PIVOT the rows into columns. Please check out the two articles linked to in my signature dealing with CROSS-TAB or PIVOT tables: Parts 1 and 2.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Hi Pawan,

    There is no way to have SQL Server to return sets with varying number of columns for the different rows.

    Normaly you would write a query like:

    SELECT T1.Requestid, T1.RequestorName, T2.ApproverName, T2.ApprovedDate

    FROM @T1 T1

    INNER JOIN @T2 T2 ON T1.RequestID = T2.RequestID

    Let's assume we have some data:

    DECLARE @T1 as table (RequestID int, Requestorname varchar(100))

    DECLARE @T2 as table (RequestID int, ApproverName varchar(100), ApprovedDate datetime)



    INSERT INTO @T2 VALUES (1, 'AAAAA', '2010-10-22')

    INSERT INTO @T2 VALUES (1, 'BBBBB', '2010-10-23')

    INSERT INTO @T2 VALUES (2, 'CCCCC', '2010-10-24')

    INSERT INTO @T2 VALUES (2, 'DDDDD', '2010-10-25')

    You would then get the result:






    Then you need to handle this in your calling code and format the data the way you want it.

    What you can do is to get a result set with Requestid, RequestorName and a third column with the data from Table 2. The third column could then contain either a concatenated string or xml:

    SELECT T1.Requestid, T1.RequestorName,

    (SELECT T2.ApproverName + ' ' + CONVERT(CHAR(10), T2.ApprovedDate, 120) + ', '

    FROM @T2 T2

    WHERE T1.RequestID = T2.RequestID

    FOR XML PATH ('')) AS ApproveLog

    FROM @T1 T1

    (You might also be able so solve your problem with PIVOT, as stated in the other reply...)


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