Getting rid of dynamic SQL in this stored procedure

  • I was made some changes to my database schema today, and was going through and updaing my stored procedures.  I noticed that one of them was using (gasp) dynamic SQL.  Since I'm updating my stored procedures anyway, I'd like to fix it, but I really don't know how.  Here's the code; I'll comment on why I can't figure something better out below it.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetAirportsNear @latitude FLOAT,

     @longitude FLOAT,

     @maxDistance INT,

     @maxToReturn INT,

     @country VARCHAR(50),

     @minRunwayLength INT AS

    SELECT id, dbo.DistanceBetween(@latitude, @longitude, dbo.DMSToRadians(latd, latm, lats, lath), dbo.DMSToRadians(lond, lonm, lons, lonh)) AS distance

    INTO #distances

    FROM airports

    WHERE runwaylength >= @minRunwayLength

    AND country = @country

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(200)

    SET @sql = "SELECT"

    IF @maxToReturn <> -1 BEGIN

     SET @sql = @sql + " TOP " + CAST(@maxToReturn as varchar(30))


    SET @sql = @sql + " * FROM #distances LEFT JOIN airports on ="

    IF @maxDistance <> -1 BEGIN

     SET @sql = @sql + " WHERE distance <= " + CAST(@maxDistance as varchar(30))


    SET @sql = @sql + " ORDER BY distance"



    So basically, without going into my whole schema, I'm trying to pass a variable amount of data to this SP.  I could want the procedure to only select the top x records, or I could want it to select all of them.  I might want it to have the distance in a where clause, and I might not.

    I don't want to have to copy and paste my SQL four times (one set of code each for select top and where, select top without where, select where without top, and select without where or top); that's pretty bad programming practice, too.

    So that's the problem.  How do I fix it?

    Thanks in advance for whatever help you can give,


  • Instead of using Top n try setting the rowcount as follows.


    SELECT ....

    SET ROWCOUNT 0 -- Don't forget to do this as soon as you don't want to limit the number of rows for the query! Also do it inside your error handler if you have it just to be safe.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • That sounds good, but what about the where clause that may or may not be there?  Do I need to duplicate my code within an IF statement, or is there a better way?

  • You could do something like


    WHERE distance <= ISNULL(@MaxDistance, distance)

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Given the simplicity of the SQL I would simply duplicate the query on the other side of an IF.

    I've got something similar in some of my procs, but I have some really convoluted series of parameters.

    What I found was that trying to write a single SQL statement that encompassed all possibilities resulted in code that worked, but had a high cost.

    Breaking out the different functionality meant that the majority of users whose parameters triggered one of the simple query implementations got a very fast result without being penalised by those who triggered the more expressive queries.

    Sometimes the long way works better.

  • If its impractical to go back into your app and change the -1 @maxdistance parameters to NULL, for the IsNull() implementation above, you could also do:

    WHERE distance <=

        CASE @maxdistance

            WHEN -1 THEN distance

            ELSE @maxdistance


  • hm...okay.  Last question for now:

    If I do end up just duplicating the code, is there a better way to do the second query than this?


      (SELECT *,

       dbo.DistanceBetween(@latitude, @longitude, airports.latitude, airports.longitude) AS distance

      FROM airports

      WHERE runwaylength >= @minRunwayLength

      AND country = @country) DerivedTbl

     WHERE distance <= @maxDistance

     ORDER BY distance

    That is, do I need to have a subquery in order to sort and filter by a calculated column?  That's always seemed really silly to me, but I haven't been able to figure it out otherwise.

    Thanks for all the help, everyone; I really appreciate it.

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