getting login information

  • I had a user ask earlier about some logins that have CHECK_POLICY and CHECK_EXPIRATION on..

    Being a curious kinda person, I thought to myself, ha.. maybe I'll write I'll list out which logins have what..

    So I started out with sys.syslogins thinking it'd be a simple 0/1 jobby..

    But I dont see where these options are in there.. maybe I'm just not seeing them.. it has been a long week..

    I took a look through some other system views, but not seeing anything jump out at me..

    can anyone tell me where the CHECK_POLICY and CHECK_EXPIRATION flags are for a login?



    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • Here's the query that SSMS uses to retrieve that information:

    SELECT AS [Name],

    ISNULL(log.default_language_name, N'') AS [Language],

    l.alias AS [LanguageAlias],

    ISNULL(log.default_database_name, N'') AS [DefaultDatabase],

    CAST(CASE sp.state

    WHEN N'D' THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bit) AS [DenyWindowsLogin],

    CASE WHEN N'U' = log.type THEN 0

    WHEN N'G' = log.type THEN 1

    WHEN N'S' = log.type THEN 2

    WHEN N'C' = log.type THEN 3

    WHEN N'K' = log.type THEN 4

    END AS [LoginType],

    CASE WHEN (N'U' != log.type AND

    N'G' != log.type) THEN 99

    WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0

    WHEN (N'G' = sp.state) THEN 1

    ELSE 2

    END AS [WindowsLoginAccessType],

    CAST(CASE WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0

    ELSE 1

    END AS bit) AS [HasAccess],

    log.sid AS [Sid],

    CAST(sqllog.is_policy_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordPolicyEnforced],

    CAST(sqllog.is_expiration_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordExpirationEnabled],

    log.create_date AS [CreateDate],

    log.modify_date AS [DateLastModified],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsLocked') AS bit) AS [IsLocked],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsExpired') AS bit) AS [IsPasswordExpired],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsMustChange') AS bit) AS [MustChangePassword],

    log.principal_id AS [ID],

    ISNULL(, N'') AS [Credential],

    ISNULL(, N'') AS [Certificate],

    ISNULL(, N'') AS [AsymmetricKey],

    log.is_disabled AS [IsDisabled],

    CAST(CASE WHEN log.principal_id < 256 THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bit) AS [IsSystemObject]


    sys.server_principals AS log LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.syslanguages AS l

    ON = log.default_language_name LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.server_permissions AS sp

    ON sp.grantee_principal_id = log.principal_id and

    sp.type = N'COSQ' LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.sql_logins AS sqllog

    ON sqllog.principal_id = log.principal_id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.credentials AS c

    ON c.credential_id = log.credential_id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    master.sys.certificates AS cert

    ON cert.sid = log.sid LEFT OUTER JOIN

    master.sys.asymmetric_keys AS ak

    ON ak.sid = log.sid


    (log.type in ('U', 'G', 'S', 'C', 'K') AND

    log.principal_id not between 101 and 255 AND <> N'##MS_AgentSigningCertificate##')

  • wow.. nice thanks..

    just out of interest.. how did you get this? sql profiler?


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

  • torpkev (10/9/2009)

    wow.. nice thanks..

    just out of interest.. how did you get this? sql profiler?

    Yup. I love profiler (on a dev instance of course). I actually think I have the script kicking around somewhere too, but profiler is just as fast as finding it.

  • to be honest.. should have thought of that myself..

    thanks! 🙂

    edit: i see my problem now.. i was reading syslogins when i should have been looking at sql_logins.. doh!


    I long for a job where my databases dont have any pesky users accessing them 🙂

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