Getting every day data into "AccountCommissionHistory"

  • Please find sample data in bacpac format. I would like my data to be loaded daily with a start and end time/date. This SQL code, I filter on a specific Primary Account ID. It gives me the transactions for that date. How do I ensure that every transaction has a start and end date?

    /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/
    SELECT TOP (1000) [transaction_id]
    FROM [Kazang].[dbo].[Transactions]

    where primary_account_id = 314715


    I checked AccountCommissionHistory and nothing is in table: kaz

  • What defines the start and end dates of a transaction?

    Do you store that data anywhere else in the database?

    What are you actually trying to accomplish here as the question is far from coherent to form a formative answer.

    Please also ensure you follow on posting code, as people wont download files and bacpacs are not allowed to be uploaded anyway.


    What defines the start and end dates of a transaction? Start of a new day would be the start date and end of day would be the end date.

     --Initialise Table
    DECLARE @EffectiveDate DATE = '2023-01-01',
    @FutureEndDate DATE = '9999-12-31'

    INSERT dbo.AccountCommissionHistory (AccountID, GroupID, StartDate, EndDate)
    SELECT a.AccountID, a.CurrentGroupID, @EffectiveDate, @FutureEndDate
    FROM dbo.Accounts AS A

    DECLARE @EffectiveDate DATE = '2023-02-02',
    @FutureEndDate DATE = '9999-12-31'

    --Expire current rows not in source
    UPDATE a
    SET a.EndDate = DATEADD(DAY, -1, @EffectiveDate)
    FROM dbo.AccountCommissionHistory AS a
    WHERE a.EndDate = @FutureEndDate
    FROM dbo.Accounts AS b
    WHERE b.AccountID = a.AccountID
    AND b.CurrentGroupID = a.GroupID)

    -- Insert new rows
    INSERT dbo.AccountCommissionHistory (AccountID, GroupID, StartDate, EndDate)
    SELECT a.AccountID, a.CurrentGroupID, @EffectiveDate, @FutureEndDate
    FROM dbo.Accounts AS a
    FROM dbo.AccountCommissionHistory AS b
    WHERE b.AccountID = a.AccountID
    AND b.GroupID = a.CurrentGroupID
    AND b.EndDate = @FutureEndDate)


    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.account_daily_snapshot
    CREATE TABLE dbo.account_daily_snapshot
    ( primary_account_id INT NOT NULL,
    Transaction_Date DATE NOT NULL,
    debit_amount DECIMAL(18,2),
    credit_amount DECIMAL(18,2),
    CONSTRAINT PKaccount_daily_snapshot PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (primary_account_id, Transaction_Date)

    INSERT dbo.account_daily_snapshot (primary_account_id, Transaction_Date, debit_amount, credit_amount)
    SELECT a.primary_account_id, b.Transaction_Date,
    ISNULL(c.debit_amount,0) AS debit_amount,
    ISNULL(c.credit_amount,0) AS credit_amount
    SELECT primary_account_id, MIN(Transaction_Date) AS MinDate
    FROM dbo.Transactions
    GROUP BY primary_account_id
    ) AS a
    JOIN (
    SELECT DISTINCT Transaction_Date
    FROM dbo.Transactions
    ) AS b ON b.Transaction_Date >= a.MinDate
    SELECT x.primary_account_id, x.Transaction_Date,
    SUM(CASE WHEN y.transaction_code = 1 THEN x.transaction_amount ELSE 0 END) AS debit_amount,
    SUM(CASE WHEN y.transaction_code = 2 THEN x.transaction_amount ELSE 0 END) AS credit_amount
    FROM dbo.Transactions AS x
    JOIN dbo.transaction_type AS y ON x.primary_type = y.transaction_code
    GROUP BY primary_account_id, Transaction_Date

    ) AS c ON a.primary_account_id = c.primary_account_id AND b.Transaction_Date = c.Transaction_Date

    SELECT primary_account_id,
    SUM(credit_amount + debit_amount) OVER
    ( PARTITION BY primary_account_id ORDER BY Transaction_Date
    SUM(credit_amount + debit_amount) OVER
    ( PARTITION BY primary_account_id ORDER BY Transaction_Date
    FROM dbo.account_daily_snapshot
  • yrstruly wrote:

    What defines the start and end dates of a transaction? Start of a new day would be the start date and end of day would be the end date.

    So the "transaction_date" column in transactions is going to be both the startdate and the enddate?


    convert(date,transaction_date) as start_date,
    convert(date,transaction_date) as end_date
    from transactions
    group by parent_account_id, group_id, convert(date, transaction_date)

    I'm not following the logic or question here.

    Post the question you need an answer too along with consumable data and expected outcome and I hope it makes more sense to me.

  • How do i post data when you guys don't want to get it from a link?

  • You post data by providing tested/working insert scripts that insert test data into the relevant tables for which you have provided DDL scripts.

    That has been mentioned before -- e.g.,

  • Also follow the forum etiquette post I linked earlier


  • USE [Kazang]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[daily_aggregated_view]
    (<primary_account_id, int,>
    ,<Transaction_Date, date,>
    ,<debit_amount, decimal(38,2),>
    ,<credit_amount, decimal(38,2),>
    ,<opening_balance, decimal(38,2),>
    ,<closing_balance, decimal(38,2),>)

    USE [Kazang]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Transactions]
    (<transaction_id, bigint,>
    ,<Transaction_Date, date,>
    ,<primary_account_id, int,>
    ,<parent_account_id, int,>
    ,<provider_account_id, int,>
    ,<icp_account_id, int,>
    ,<group_id, int,>
    ,<primary_type, int,>
    ,<transaction_amount, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<stock_cost, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<vat, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<superdealer_vat_reg, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<vendor_vat_reg, int,>
    ,<vendor_comm, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<superdealer_comm, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<icp_comm, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<psitek_comm, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<vendor_rbc_cost, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<bank_charge, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<bank_charge_owner, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<detail_type_name, varchar(50),>
    ,<detail_object_id, bigint,>
    ,<primary_account_balance, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<content_type, int,>
    ,<reversal_id, bigint,>)

    USE [Kazang]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[account_daily_snapshot]
    (<primary_account_id, int,>
    ,<Transaction_Date, date,>
    ,<debit_amount, decimal(18,2),>
    ,<credit_amount, decimal(18,2),>)


    USE [Kazang]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[AccountCommissionHistory]
    (<ID, int,>
    ,<AccountID, int,>
    ,<GroupID, int,>
    ,<StartDate, date,>
    ,<EndDate, date,>)

  • LOL.

    No, the point of that is so that people trying to help can have some data to work with. That's just template code... doesn't actually insert any records.

  • OK, so you have given us a BACPAC


    Now explain clearly what it is that you need help with, based on this sample data.

    As based on your original logic, I still don't understand what it is you need.


    Note that the BACPAC doesn't contain any "accounts" the account table is empty, also Commission Groups and AccountCommissionHistory are empty too.

  • Does the dataset meet these requirements?: "Dimensional table and procedure that tracks Primary Accounts’ group movements. An

    account moves to different groups that are associated with levels of commission paid.

    Analysts needs to follow how they moved over time. Accounts can move back and forth

    between groups but can only be assigned to one group within a certain time period. The

    Table needs to contain start and end date. A unique Id needs to be created to link to the

    records associated to that time and group. Procedure runs daily and appends the previous

    days data.

    4. Daily aggregated table or data view along with procedure that tracts the opening and closing

    balances of accounts along with debited and credited amounts. The data view needs to be

    able to roll up to a daily level that will be used to track the total opening and closing balance

    of ALL accounts. The accounts should have an end-of-day balance every day from their first

    transaction, even if they didn’t transact that day. Procedure runs daily and appends the

    previous days data. The data view should be able to generate the following graph:"

  • @Ant-Green did you have a chance to test the DB according to the requirements?

  • No I didn't, I don't fully understand your requirements.

    Please generate what data is needed to be in the "final result set" based on the data in the BACPAC and it may become more clear.

    Sample data we have.

    Final result we don't have.

  • I provided data in the form of a bacpac file. I am not able to provide data in any other format. The backpack file contains the data as it is in my database with the views and procedures. It is basically just on this forum that I find that the people that assist on here are very difficult in not wanting to download data or a file from a URL. Don't we do that on a daily basis?

    1.  Check the procedure that tracks Primary Accounts group movements and test if this newly created table does contain data in it. I believe there is no data currently in it. The sample data is minimal in terms of the number of days. But I think this procedure should populate this table in question with the daily required data.
    2. I have created a View and it contains data. Please test the Daily aggregated table or data view along with the procedure that tracts the opening and closingbalances of accounts along with debited and credited amounts. The data view needs to be able to roll up to a daily level that will be used to track the total opening and closing balance of ALL accounts

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