getting duplicate records for a primary key column

  • Hi

    When I am trying to run the below procedure, getting the below problem:

    1. Getnextkey procedure is called in the below procedure which is used to get tne next event number. The same procedure (getnextkey) is called from different areas(like from different procedures or applications). For ex: event no is the primary key and when i ran the procedre and at the same time getnextkey is also called from applications getting the duplicate event nos which is causing th problem.

    USE [KRM]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[KNLEventCopy] Script Date: 09/03/2010 11:08:01 ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[KNLEventCopy] (@startdatetime datetime, @enddatetime datetime)





    Deleting all temporary tables used during the migration script


    --Getting the hours irrespective of summer or winter time difference

    DECLARE @hhtime as int

    --SELECT @hhtime=time from navcountry where country=@cntry and season='Summer'

    --select @hhtime =

    select @hhtime=datediff(hh,getutcdate(),getdate())

    select @hhtime=@hhtime+1

    --patch end

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Events') is not null DROP TABLE #Events

    DECLARE @Seed bigint

    SELECT @Seed = ISNULL(MAX(Event_PK) + 1, 1) FROM Event_1

    --/* Get list of Events to copy */

    SELECT [EquipmentNumber_FK]















































    INTO #Events

    FROM Event_1


    ALTER TABLE #Events

    ADD Event_PK int IDENTITY(1,1)


    --code for thesting needs to be removed after that

    SELECT EquipmentNumber_FK, DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, StartTimestamp) AS StartTimestamp, RemoteMonitoringType_FK, MessageType_FK, CEN, Floor,

    DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, EndTimestamp) AS EndTimestamp, FailureClassDelay, EquipmentMovingStatus, OperationMode, DoorZone, DoorStatus, DriveStatus,

    CarLoad, Comment, DriveDetectedFault1, DriveDetectedFault2, DriveDetectedFault3, FaultClass, SourceUpper, SourceLower, SourceLeft, SourceRight,

    FaultCurrentlyActive, FaultShutsDown, FaultNeedsManualReset, FaultIsEmergencyStop, FaultInDevice1, FaultInDevice2, FaultInDevice3,

    FaultInDevice4, FaultInDevice5, FaultInDevice6, FaultInDevice7, FaultInDevice8, BrakeSlidingDistance, StoppingDistanceData, Knx3ExternalInput1,

    Knx3ExternalInput2, Knx3SystemFailureReason_FK, ReportCall, ReportCallHandledby, CalculatedEndTimestamp, FrontEndID, CEN_EquipmentStatus,

    DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) AS CreateDate, 'KNXMCopy' AS Creator INTO Test

    FROM TNLNTS30.KRM.dbo.Event AS Event_1

    WHERE (NOT ((CAST(EquipmentNumber_FK AS nvarchar) + CAST(CreateDate AS nvarchar)) IN

    (SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CAST(EquipmentNumber_FK AS nvarchar) + CAST(CreateDate AS nvarchar) AS EventID

    FROM Event

    ORDER BY CreateDate DESC))) AND (DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) > CONVERT(DATETIME, @startdatetime, 102) AND (DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) < CONVERT(DATETIME, @enddatetime, 102)))

    ORDER BY DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) DESC

    --end of testing code

    INSERT INTO [#Events]
















































    SELECT EquipmentNumber_FK, DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, StartTimestamp) AS StartTimestamp, RemoteMonitoringType_FK, MessageType_FK, CEN, Floor,

    DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, EndTimestamp) AS EndTimestamp, FailureClassDelay, EquipmentMovingStatus, OperationMode, DoorZone, DoorStatus, DriveStatus,

    CarLoad, Comment, DriveDetectedFault1, DriveDetectedFault2, DriveDetectedFault3, FaultClass, SourceUpper, SourceLower, SourceLeft, SourceRight,

    FaultCurrentlyActive, FaultShutsDown, FaultNeedsManualReset, FaultIsEmergencyStop, FaultInDevice1, FaultInDevice2, FaultInDevice3,

    FaultInDevice4, FaultInDevice5, FaultInDevice6, FaultInDevice7, FaultInDevice8, BrakeSlidingDistance, StoppingDistanceData, Knx3ExternalInput1,

    Knx3ExternalInput2, Knx3SystemFailureReason_FK, ReportCall, ReportCallHandledby, CalculatedEndTimestamp, FrontEndID, CEN_EquipmentStatus,

    DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) AS CreateDate, 'KNXMCopy' AS Creator

    FROM TNLNTS30.KRM.dbo.Event AS Event_1

    WHERE (NOT ((CAST(EquipmentNumber_FK AS nvarchar) + CAST(CreateDate AS nvarchar)) IN

    (SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CAST(EquipmentNumber_FK AS nvarchar) + CAST(CreateDate AS nvarchar) AS EventID

    FROM Event

    ORDER BY CreateDate DESC))) AND (DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) > CONVERT(DATETIME, @startdatetime, 102)AND (DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) < CONVERT(DATETIME, @enddatetime, 102)))

    ORDER BY DATEADD(hh, - @hhtime, CreateDate) DESC

    INSERT INTO Event_1

















































    Select * From #Events


    EXEC KRM.dbo.GetNextKeyValue_p 'Event', @Event_PK OUTPUT,@@rowcount

    Select * From #Events

    Can anyone tell me how to overcome this behaviour. Is it right to use SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED in the procedure.

    Thanks in Advance



  • You have forgotten to describe the problem.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • why are you using a GETNEWKEY functionality to generate a number for your PK column instead of allowing an identity column to generate the value for you? the identity property on a column is the proven, fastest and best way to handle this without concurrency issues you are tripping over. it is also the recommended best practice.

    is the getnewkey issueing unique ID's on a per table basis, or is it the same series being used for more than one table ? ie i could generate id #1 for table1, but id #2 is used by table2?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • The problem I am facing is:

    EventID is the primary key in the EVENT table. Whenever an event occurs, getnextkey is generated and an next eventid is generated from getnextkey procedure and it will inserts into event table.

    But when i am running the above procedure, it is taking 45 secords to complete it and by the time same event id is generated from application as well because of which duplicate eventids are inserted into event table.

    Hope you got the problem

  • Might be we can use identity but not supposed to use this now. The code for getting next key is:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNextKeyValue_p]


    -- Version Date: 22.03.2006

    -- Copyright © 2006 Kone Oyj




    ,@KeyValueINT OUTPUT

    ,@Add2KeyValueINT = 1




    -- IF @Add2KeyValue is null SET @Add2KeyValue = 1

    UPDATE dbo.NextKeyValue

    SET KeyValue = KeyValue + @Add2KeyValue

    WHERE TableName_PK = @TableName


    @KeyValue = KeyValue

    FROM dbo.NextKeyValue

    WHERE TableName_PK = @TableName


    Need some help on how to overcome this. Also how to runthe procedure in single user mode.

  • mostly your problem is your design is not using an identity...but it is also procedurally based, and not thinking in terms of SET based solutions.

    what if i were to insert TWO or more rows at the same time...for example, i might copy a weeks worth of events to be the new events for next week; what if i wanted to copy a years worth?

    your code requires row by agonizing row processing...replacing the code which is generating the next event id with an identity allows concurrency(more than one person at the same time) and allows higher thruput.

    i've fixed this exact same issue with another agency before... it's a core design issue which may or may not make it thru the chain of command.

    also, your getnewkey will fail for new's assuming that an entry already exists for any table you call it for.

    Lowell (9/3/2010)

    why are you using a GETNEWKEY functionality to generate a number for your PK column instead of allowing an identity column to generate the value for you? the identity property on a column is the proven, fastest and best way to handle this without concurrency issues you are tripping over. it is also the recommended best practice.

    is the getnewkey issueing unique ID's on a per table basis, or is it the same series being used for more than one table ? ie i could generate id #1 for table1, but id #2 is used by table2?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell, Same problem I am facing when trying to insert 1 month data I am getting duplicate records. Can you tell me how to overcome this?


  • ekknaveen (9/3/2010)

    Lowell, Same problem I am facing when trying to insert 1 month data I am getting duplicate records. Can you tell me how to overcome this?


    Read about sequential tables in this thread.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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