Getting dates from SQL into Excel in float format

  • HI,

    I have a view with seveal columns, ie a period column (date type in SQL).

    whenever I'm querying this from Excel, I"m getting in the column corresponding to the period a "string" contents (like '2011-05-01'). with this I'm not able to use this as a date...

    I would like to get from SQL the float value of the date. Like this I may format the float value as a date and make pivot tables with Q1, Q2 ....

    How can I achieve this ?

    Many tks for you help !

    PS I have searched already several hours without founding a solution.....


  • Removed. I was wrong.


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Dates in SQL Server are stored as float: the integer part represents the date, the fractional part represents the time.

    You could try to cast it as float in the query:

    SELECT CAST(datetimeColumn AS float) AS datetimeColumnConverted

    FROM SomeTable

    I don't know how Excel will treat this, but you could try.

    Hope this helps,


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • sorry not working at all ....

    as date is a float ... not possible to explicitly do a cast...

    so date is stored as a float but retrieved as a date which is a string in Excel..


  • humm,

    please note also that the column is date type noy datetime type...

  • OK, I think you have to rethink your strategy a bit.

    You have a date column in Excel and you want it to be filled with a date from SQL Server, right?

    Excel does not seem to recognize the date column as a date, but it treats the column as a string, probably because it was converted implicitly in a date format different from the one set in your regional settings.

    I think you can convert the date to string using CONVERT and specifying the date format recognized by Excel.

    For instance, for the Italian date format, you can use:

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(30), getdate(), 105) -- 27-05-2011

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • All right.

    Let me check this on monday !

    Have a nice we,

    Grazie !

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