Getting DATEDIFF from 2 separate rows...

  • Hey guys...

    Here is how my table looks:

    SSN | Contract_Number | Effective Date | Term Date

    111-11-1111 | 1 | 1-01-2012 | 4-01-2012

    111-11-1111 | 2 | 5-01-2012 | 8-01-2012

    111-11-1111 | 3 | 8-02-2012 | 11-02-2012

    222-22-2222 | 1 | 2-23-2012 | 5-23-2012

    222-22-2222 | 2 | 10-01-2012 | 1-01-2013

    Im looking for how many days were between coverage for each contract for each ssn...For example, I need to know how many days were between the Term Date of Contract 1 and the Effective Date of Contract 2 for each SSN...I know I need to use the DATEDIFF function, but not sure how to set it up where it takes a date from 2 separate rows for each SSN...Can anyone help me out?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Join the table to itself on SSN = SSN and Contract_Number = Contract_Number + 1. You can then use DATEDIFF to get the differences between the times.


  • Ya, what John said.

    declare @t table (

    ssn varchar(10),

    [contract] int,

    edate date,

    tdate date


    insert into @t values

    ('111-11-111', 1, '1-01-2012', '4-01-2012'),

    ('111-11-111', 2, '5-01-2012', '8-01-2012'),

    ('111-11-111', 3, '8-02-2012', '11-02-2012'),

    ('222-22-222', 1, '2-23-2012', '5-23-2012'),

    ('222-22-222', 2, '10-01-2012', '1-01-2013')

    select t1.ssn, t1.contract FirstContract, t2.contract SecondContract, t1.tdate tdateFirst, t2.edate edateSecond,

    DATEDIFF(dd, t1.tdate, t2.edate) DaysBetween

    from @t t1

    join @t t2 on t2.ssn = t1.ssn and t2.contract = t1.contract + 1

    Edit: Assuming all your contracts are sequential numbers. If not, you'll probably have to use a CTE with row_number() partitioned on ssn and ordered by contract number or effective date.

  • Thank you so much...That worked to perfection!

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