Getting Data views to play nice on report

  • I'm trying to do a report where we want a star to show up under two conditions:

    1. if the quantity ordered is more than the quantity on hand

    2. if the total quantity ordered for the item (several orders are on the report) is more than the quantity on hand.

    I've  been able to get the star to show up for #1;  however, I can't figure out how to get the star to show up for #2.  I tried RunningValue, but this cummulates through the report, instead of totalling up the item.  Although technically correct, this isn't what the users want to see.

    I did create a separate data view that summarizes the quantity ordered by item but I can't figure out how to get this data to coordinate between the two views.  I wish there was something similar to Access DLookup, but I can't find anything.  Any suggestions?

  • you could use sum(Fields!Quantity.value, "table1_group1") where table1_group1 groups all your orders for a given item.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, Jon!  I tried to do this and it didn't work and kept giving me that ever-so-unhelpful aggregate error.  However, it did clue me in to create another view on the SQL database that contained this summary information, then link it to the dataview on the report.  Once I did that, all the stars showed up properly so as soon as I get this balanced to the production version, we can almost kiss an Access db goodbye.

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