Getting CREATE TABLE script with constraints!!

  • Hi friends,

    Is it possible to get the CREATE TABLE script (with constraints) and also not with EM.

  • Yes, use Query Analyser.  Open the Object Browser and browse to the table you wish to script.  Right click it and select 'Script object to new window as / Create' and that should include the constraints.


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thnx..

    But not with Query Analyser also.

    Is there any SYSTEM VIEW which provides the script???


    Can i get the columns details with PRIMARY key, it's FOREIGN key, IDENTITY columns.

  • Take a look at the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views in BOL - you'll get the constraints from there.  But the actual CREATE script - not available from a system view as far as I know.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • If you're trying to achieve this programmatically you will either have to plough through the system tables or INFORMATION_SCHEMA views, or use the Script method of a SQL-DMO Table object.

    You can get the details from SQL Server Books Online or I can send you some sample code.


  • I have checked INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE. I m able to get the primary key column. But how to determine the Foreign Key column i.e., to which table it belongs!!

    It will nice if u send me some sample code!


  • please stop thi stupid discussions

  • You can figure out how to get this information from the system tables, but since this is the Programming forum I think what you're looking for is SQL-DMO like Andrew suggested.  It can be used create scripts like Enterprise Manager, with even more options for what is included in the script.  (All the scripting functionality of Enterprise Manager is based on SQL-DMO.)

    This example is one way to use the Script method for tables.  The DRI_All option tells it to include foreign keys, defaults, unique keys, etc  For more info refer to .

        Dim oServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer2

        Dim oTable As SQLDMO.Table2

        Dim sCreateTable As String

        Set oServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer2

        oServer.LoginSecure = True

        oServer.Connect "<server>"

        Set oTable = oServer("<database>").Tables("<table>")

        sCreateTable = oTable.Script(SQLDMOScript_DRI_All + SQLDMOScript_Indexes _

            + SQLDMOScript_OwnerQualify + SQLDMOScript_Triggers, , , _

            SQLDMOScript2_ExtendedProperty + SQLDMOScript2_FullTextIndex _

            + SQLDMOScript2_NoCollation + SQLDMOScript2_NoFG)

  • Hi Vinod!!!

    I hope u r feeling well!!!

    May i know why this discussion is "stupid" for u!!!

    Tell me if u know the answer for the question!!!


  • sysforeignkeys SQL system table has the info.  But it only the id's of the objects.  You will have to build the statement yourself.

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