Getting Count of currently executing recordset?

  • I have a query that needs to return something like:

    Rank In this Record Set / Record Count

    as one of the fields

    The problem is that without putting the data into a table variable and doing an update later or doing a select count (involving some expensive joins) I obviously don't know what the record count is.

    I then considered that something along the lines of

    RANK() OVER (ORDER BY IndicatorValue DESC) + RANK() OVER (ORDER BY IndicatorValue ASC)

    should do it. Though I may need to alter it slightly to avoid ties.

    But is there any SQL 2005 function that I'm missing that would give me this functionality with only 1 pass through the data?

  • OK:

    I have a working model using something like

    ((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY UniqueKeyCombination ASC)) + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY UniqueKeyCombination  DESC) )) - 1)

    But clearly behind the scenes it is doing far too much work and must actually have the row count to work out one of the above.

     Does SQL expose this information to us in any way?

  • Here is an article that discusses how to eliminate a cursor.  You could follow this model to get your recordcount.

    There always seems to be another way.



  • I'm not using a cursor!

    I'm trying to get a sort of PercentRank functionality (though not exactly that)

    in one select statement in SQL2005

  • My point with my last post was not about using a cursor, it was about the methadology used in the second half of the referenced article.  by following the logic laid out here, you can calculate where you are in teh recordset during the WHILE...LOOP.  That should allow you to determing the PERCENT_RANK or whatever you need from the entire recordcount.

    --now populate this table with the required item category values

            INSERT INTO @item_table

            SELECT  -- Same SELECT statement as that for the CURSOR



            FROM dbo.item_categories it


            INNER JOIN dbo.orders ord

            ON ord.item_category_id = it.item_category_id


            WHERE ord.order_date >= '1-sep-05'

            and it.isSuspended != 1                      


            DECLARE @item_category_counter INT

            DECLARE @loop_counter INT


            SET @loop_counter = ISNULL(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @item_table),0) -- Set the @loop_counter to the total number of rows in the

                                                                            -- memory table


            SET @item_category_counter = 1


            WHILE @loop_counter > 0 AND @item_category_counter <= @loop_counter


                    SELECT @item_category_id = item_category_id

                           ,@order_id = order_id

                    FROM @item_table

                    WHERE primary_key = @item_category_counter


                    --Now pass the item-category_id and order_id to the OUTPUT stored procedure

                     EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT



                        Call other code here to process your pruchase order for this item



                   SET @item_category_counter = @item_category_counter + 1



  • Thanks for your responses however I'm not using a loop either!

    I am returning a ranked set of values and need to calculate the value of (Rank - 1)/RecordCount.

    I have achieved this straight from the SELECT with the TSQL I posted above but I realise that this way of getting the RecordCount must cause the database engine unnecessary work.

    Therefore I was asking if there was a way I could just access the Record Count (as the database engine must know this to perform it's ranking calculations)

  • Use the  "INTO #tmpTable" statement like:

    DECLARE @RecordSetCount int,

    @StartRow  int,

    @MaxRows int,

    @OrderBy varchar(50) = 'Column1'


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY @OrderBy) AS RowNumber,



    --notice INTO HERE!

    INTO #tmpTable

    FROM myTabels

    WHERE Stuff = Stuff;

    With a stored proc, you can return multiple recordsets, with the first recordset returning your total count and the second returning the results:

    recordset #1 with our total record count

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #tmpTable

    recordset #2 with our resultset

    SELECT * from #tmpTable WHERE (RowNumber >= @StartRow AND RowNumber < (@StartRow + @MaxRows));


    you could set it to our @RecordSetCount  variable and add it directly to the resultset like:

    SET @RecordSetCount  = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #tmpTable);

    SELECT @RecordSetCount AS MyTotalRecords, * from #tmpTable WHERE (RowNumber >= @StartRow AND RowNumber < (@StartRow + @MaxRows));

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