Getting Colorful

  • Michael Meierruth (5/9/2010)

    anelson 66875 (5/7/2010)

    "steaming pile of bytes" describes, well... what you think it describes. Usually the result of the first couple of weeks of frenetic activity on a proof-of-concept.

    If the resulting prototype is used to inform a conversation leading to a proper spec, then it was "compost."

    If the prototype gets band-aided and shipped, it's the other thing. 😉

    I recently read somwhere: when someone comes to me with an idea sketched out on a napkin I tell him to build a prototype.

    Now does anyone have a nice short word for 'idea sketched out on a napkin'?

    A napkin? Wow; that's a bit upmarket. In the UK, we generally talk more in terms of a scribble or two on the back of a cigarette packet.

    That said, in the UK, we also use the more vernacular form, where, instead of "cigarettes", we talk about "fags", hence the concept of "fag packet engineering". However, I can easily see the problems of exporting the term "fagware" to the US; it might well be adopted, but I shudder to think of the answer if an American were called upon to explain the meaning......

    Semper in excretia, suus solum profundum variat

  • Mingware

    From the Scottish: To Ming - to be unsavory in any and all ways imaginable

    Example: Corporate mingware - the stuff loaded on our machines by corporate IT that interferes with the work we need to do (typically down-level versions of SQL, Visual Studio, Office etc that all need replacing before the machine is useable)

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • CWAP - Code Written-by Another Programmer.

  • Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • JacekO (5/10/2010)

    Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    The cathedral in Milan took forever to build.

    And now its bowels (anything below 10 meters) are filled with all kinds of strange stuff.

    If that were software, what would you call it?

  • Michael Meierruth (5/10/2010)

    JacekO (5/10/2010)

    Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    The cathedral in Milan took forever to build.

    And now its bowels (anything below 10 meters) are filled with all kinds of strange stuff.

    If that were software, what would you call it?


    Semper in excretia, suus solum profundum variat

  • Michael Meierruth (5/10/2010)

    JacekO (5/10/2010)

    Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    The cathedral in Milan took forever to build.

    And now its bowels (anything below 10 meters) are filled with all kinds of strange stuff.

    If that were software, what would you call it?

    Keep in mind they also had a habit of burying the builders in the basement!

    Now - what do you call that (if it were software)? 😀

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • majorbloodnock (5/10/2010)

    Michael Meierruth (5/10/2010)

    JacekO (5/10/2010)

    Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    The cathedral in Milan took forever to build.

    And now its bowels (anything below 10 meters) are filled with all kinds of strange stuff.

    If that were software, what would you call it?


    Ok, got that Siebel.

    Now you'll need to get you Latin signature fixed. With that comma in the wrong place it's hard to understand it right away. Thus it should be: Semper in excretia sumus, solum profundum variat.

    Now it's perfect - and a real laugh.


  • Matt Miller (#4) (5/10/2010)

    Michael Meierruth (5/10/2010)

    JacekO (5/10/2010)

    Software is like a Cathedral. You build it… you build it… you build it…

    And then you pray…

    The cathedral in Milan took forever to build.

    And now its bowels (anything below 10 meters) are filled with all kinds of strange stuff.

    If that were software, what would you call it?

    Keep in mind they also had a habit of burying the builders in the basement!

    Now - what do you call that (if it were software)? 😀


  • majorbloodnock (5/10/2010)

    A napkin? Wow; that's a bit upmarket. In the UK, we generally talk more in terms of a scribble or two on the back of a cigarette packet.

    That said, in the UK, we also use the more vernacular form, where, instead of "cigarettes", we talk about "fags", hence the concept of "fag packet engineering". However, I can easily see the problems of exporting the term "fagware" to the US; it might well be adopted, but I shudder to think of the answer if an American were called upon to explain the meaning......

    Yet another reason (excuse rather) to ban smoking. Just kidding.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • a PIG program (production if good)

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • My favorite was quote by my manager of an error received by an end user on well tested and very stable program. It was an ID TEN T error because the user was an idiot.

  • jlennartz (5/11/2010)

    My favorite was quote by my manager of an error received by an end user on well tested and very stable program. It was an ID TEN T error because the user was an idiot.

    ...also variously known as "pebkac" (problem exists between keyboard and chair) or a "layer 8" problem (the user being the logical unofficial extension to the OSI 7 layer networking model).

    Semper in excretia, suus solum profundum variat

  • And meaning of ID TEN T?

    Sounds like identity.

    But where exactly is the problem?

  • Michael Meierruth (5/12/2010)

    And meaning of ID TEN T?

    Sounds like identity.

    But where exactly is the problem?

    If you write ten in its numeric form, you end up with ID 10 T (or ID10T without the spaces)

    Semper in excretia, suus solum profundum variat

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 98 total)

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