Getting below error

  • An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'XXXXX' (28:0) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3414)

    Version : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP4-GDR) (KB4583465) - 11.0.7507.2 (X64)

    • Check the sql server ERRORLOG file
    • enable trace flag 3004 to show the internal backup/restore operation and more.

      This is an undocumented TF, so remove as soon as possible !

      -- Enable Trace Flags
      DBCC TRACEON(3004,3605,-1);

      -- Perform the restore operation
      RESTORE DATABASE YourDb FROM DISK = 'YourdbBackupFile.bak' ... ;

      -- Disable Trace Flags
      DBCC TRACEOFF(3004,3605,-1);

      -- Check the error log for detailed information
      EXEC sp_readerrorlog;


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  • Below is the output I am getting

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.26 spid70 DBCC TRACEON 3004, server process ID (SPID) 70. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.26 spid70 DBCC TRACEON 3605, server process ID (SPID) 70. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.26 spid70 RestoreLog: Database XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.27 spid70 X-locking database: XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.27 spid70 Opening backup set

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 SetTargetRestoreAge: 0

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 Restore: Configuration section loaded

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 Restore: Backup set is open

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 Restore: Planning begins

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 Dismounting FullText catalogs

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.28 spid70 Restore: Planning complete

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.29 spid70 Restore: BeginRestore (offline) on XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.45 spid70 Restore: PreparingContainers

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.45 spid70 Restore: Containers are ready

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.47 spid70 Restore: Restoring backup set

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.47 spid70 Restore: Transferring data to XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.47 spid70 Restore: FileHandleCache: Initial CacheSize: 48

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.47 spid70 Restore: Waiting for log zero on XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.47 spid70 Restore: LogZero complete

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.48 spid70 SetTargetRestoreAge: 0

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.50 spid70 Restore: FileHandleCache: Statistics - Total requests: 0, Files opened: 0, Initial cache entries: 48, Total cache entries: 48.

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.50 spid70 Restore: FileHandleCache: Statistics - Cache hits: 0 (Hit ratio = -1.#J%), Entry recycles: 0.

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.50 spid70 Restore: Data transfer complete on XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.51 spid70 Restore: Backup set restored

    2025-01-29 14:16:45.53 spid70 Restore-Redo begins on database XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.30 spid70 RunOfflineRedo logIter.Init(): FirstLsn(PruId: 0): 0x295c:0xb9:0x1

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.30 spid70 RunOfflineRedo logIter.Init(): LastLsn(PruId: 0): 0x295c:0xbc:0x1

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.30 spid70 OfflineRollforward: StopLsn/LastLsn(PruId: 0): 0x295c:0xbc:0x1

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.48 spid70 Rollforward complete on database XXXXX

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.52 spid70 Restore: Done with fixups

    2025-01-29 14:16:46.68 spid70 Transitioning to STANDBY

    2025-01-29 14:16:47.01 spid70 Starting up database 'XXXXX'.

    2025-01-29 14:16:48.94 spid70 Error: 9004, Severity: 16, State: 6.

    2025-01-29 14:16:48.94 spid70 An error occurred while processing the log for database 'XXXXX'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.

    2025-01-29 14:16:48.94 spid70 Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1.

    2025-01-29 14:16:48.94 spid70 An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'XXXXX' (28:0) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support.

  • 2025-01-29 14_38_12-Microsoft Copilot_ Your AI companion — Mozilla Firefox


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  • The question is:

    • Is it still possible to produce the backup from the original database ?

      • if yes:  please do and try to restore again ( use the trace flags to avoid having to run it a second time )
      • else: do you have an older full backup and the required log backup files to try an alternate restore path?

    • Ask you win-admin to check the disk for errors ( in the meanwhile you can fetch the new backup file )
    • I would drop the target database before restoring it. Just to be sure it doesn't reuse the actual allocated files.
    • if you need it without having it 100% consistent, ( e.g. on a dev server ) you may even try to detatch the db, remove the log file and attach the mdf/ndf file(s) without log
      USE [master]
      CREATE DATABASE [RecoveredDB] ON
      ( FILENAME = N'path to data folder\RecoveredDB.mdf' )

      it will generate an error stating it could nog fine a valid log file , but also states it has rebuilt the log file.

      Then perform a dbcc checkdb for RevoveredDB

    • ref:


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  • Hi Johan,

    This issue has been resolved by enabling TraceFlag 3057 on secondary logshipping server and reconfiguring the logshipping for each databases,  now I can see all databases are in Standby mode. Thanks for your wonderful suggesions.


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by  sangameshms.
  • That is great news.

    Thank you for the feedback.


    Would it be possible to post a snippet of the log that hinted you towards TraceFlag 3057 ?


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  • 2025-01-29 14:16:46.68 spid70 Transitioning to STANDBY

    Error : 9004

    Referred link

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by  sangameshms.
  • sangameshms wrote:

    Hi Johan,

    This issue has been resolved by enabling TraceFlag 3057 on secondary logshipping server and reconfiguring the logshipping for each databases,  now I can see all databases are in Standby mode. Thanks for your wonderful suggesions.

    TraceFlage 2057 apperars to be an undocumented TraceFlag according to the MS documentation.  Do you have a link to its description, etc?

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