Getting 4104 error using update and a join

  • I am trying to run the following code:

    update HelpDetailsTechDesc

     set TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg,

      HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd

     Left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

     where hd.HelpDetailsID = hdtd.HelpDetailsID and

      hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID and

      hd.HelpTypeID = 1

    And am getting the following error:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure iss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates, Line 28

    The multi-part identifier "stg.EventName" could not be bound.

    The 3 tables involved are:

    stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc - it contains the new information to be used as the source information in the update. Relevant columns: EventName and TechnicalDescription.

    HelpDetails - Needed to join the stg_HelpDetails to HelpDetailsTechDesc. Relevant columns: HelpDetailsID (PK), HelpTypeID (PK) always 1 in this situation, Title (which matches EventName).

    HelpDetailsTechDesc - This is the table to be updated. Relevant columns: HelpDetailsID (PK), HelpTypeID (PK) always 1 in this situation, TechnicalDescription.

    Very baffeld

  • Hello,

    Try this one

    update hdtd

     set hdtd.TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg,

      HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd

     Left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

     where hd.HelpDetailsID = hdtd.HelpDetailsID and

      hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID and

      hd.HelpTypeID = 1



  • Lucky,

    I tried your suggestion and still get the same error message.

    Thanks ......... reiny

  • It might be because  you are using old a new sql syntax.


    try putting joins for all tables (even for the cross joins).  That should be fix your error.

  • I changed to this:

    update hdtd

     set hdtd.TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg

     Left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

     left join HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd on hdtd.HelpDetailsID = td.HelpDetailsID

     where   hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID and   hd.HelpTypeID = 1

    And now get this:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure iss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates, Line 28

    The multi-part identifier "td.HelpDetailsID" could not be bound.

  • Your version of the query is pretty much an inner join in disguise.  Try this in case it works ?!?!


    update hdtd

     set hdtd.TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg

     Left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title AND hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID and   hd.HelpTypeID = 1

     left join HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd on hdtd.HelpDetailsID = td.HelpDetailsID

  • I changed the command to this:

    update hdtd

     set hdtd.TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg

     left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

     left join HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd on hdtd.HelpDetailsID = td.HelpDetailsID and

       hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID

    And now I get this:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure iss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates, Line 28

    The multi-part identifier "td.HelpDetailsID" could not be bound.

  • Can we see the full procedure??

  • Here is the full procedure:

    IF OBJECT_ID('ss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates') IS NOT NULL

     DROP PROCEDURE dbo.ss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates


    -- exec ss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates

    CREATE    PROCEDURE  dbo.ss_HelpDetails_PostUpdates


    -- Copyright (c)



    DECLARE @RunTime datetime

    select @RunTime = getdate()

    update HelpDetails

     set CreatedAt = s.CreatedAt,

      Spreading = s.Spreading,

      Damage = s.Damage,

      VirusType = s.VirusType,

      Symptom = s.Symptom,

      Alias = s.Alias,

      RemovalInstructions = s.RemovalInstructions,

      RemovalLink = s.RemovalLink,

      LastModifiedAt = @RunTime

     from stg_HelpDetails s,

      HelpDetails hd

     where hd.title = s.EventName and

      hd.HelpTypeID = s.HelpTypeID

    update hdtd

     set hdtd.TechnicalDescription = stg.TechnicalDescription

     from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg

     left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

     left join HelpDetailsTechDesc hdtd on hdtd.HelpDetailsID = td.HelpDetailsID and

       hd.HelpTypeID = hdtd.HelpTypeID

    --DELETE stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc

    -- from stg_HelpDetailsTechDesc stg

    -- left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

    -- Where hd.lastModifiedAt = @RunTime

    --DELETE stg_HelpDetails

    -- from stg_HelpDetails stg

    -- left join HelpDetails hd on stg.EventName = hd.title

    -- Where hd.lastModifiedAt = @RunTime



  • I got nothing to offer !

  • It was a simple typo. 

    The td. should be hd.  

    Thanks for all who helped!  

  • A quick thank you to those who posted help here, I was able to resolve a similar issue with the advice listed here and a search of the forums!

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