Getdate pulls time from midnight to 23:59 hours

  • Hi SQL experts - What is the proper way to ensure when pulling date between two getdates, that you include from midnight of the first getdate to 23:59 hours in the second getdate?


    and WD.WRKD_WORK_DATE between DATEADD(DD, - 11, GETDATE())

    and DATEADD(DD, - 5, GETDATE())

    Sandy Tucker

  • SandyTucker (6/23/2015)

    Hi SQL experts - What is the proper way to ensure when pulling date between two getdates, that you include from midnight of the first getdate to 23:59 hours in the second getdate?

    This is one way:

    WHERE (WD.WRKD_WORK_DATE >= cast(DATEADD(DD, - 11, GETDATE()) as date)

    and WD.WRKD_WORK_DATE < cast(DATEADD(DD, -4, GETDATE()) as date))

    How to Post to get the most:

  • Hello LinksUp - thanks very much, that seems to be working well!

    Sandy Tucker

  • Glad it worked for you!

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