getdate() (how do I get yesterdays time range?)

  • I have a script where I use the following code....


    and a.dschrg_ts >= '09-01-2008 00:00:00'

    and a.dschrg_ts <= '09-01-2008 23:59:59'


    Of course I can manually change this to 9-2-08 tomorrow and run it. If I just want to run this script tomorrow without having to manually change the date (but keep the times), what syntax can I use?

    I've done some searching and I've seen some examples of datediff() and getdate() but it's still not clicking on how I can use those functions for my specific situation. I just want yesterdays time range (midnight to 1 second before midnight tonight) to be used no matter what time of day I run this script today. By the way, dschrg_ts = discharge time stamp.

    I eventually want to schedule this script to run every night which explains why I'd like to get help on figuring out syntax on these or other functions.



  • Here's one possibility:

    select dateadd(dd, datediff(dd,0,Getdate()),0)- 1

    select (dateadd(dd, datediff(dd,0,Getdate()),0)- 1)+ '23:59:59'


  • That did the trick.

    Thank you.

  • The way you have your query written, you will miss any rows that fall in the last second of the day.

    When you query for a date range, it is better to write the where clause in this form so that you do not have to worry about that.

    where Date >= StartDateTime and Date < EndDateTime

    With your query, you should do it like this to get everything from yesterday:

    where a.dschrg_ts >= '20080901' and a.dschrg_ts < '20080902'

    To automatically get yesterday, this would do it:




    MyTable a


    a.dschrg_ts >=

    -- Start of yesterday


    a.dschrg_ts <

    -- Start of Today


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