May 4, 2009 at 3:42 am
hi experts
i have a built in calendar view which calculates the holidays and weekends and field IsWorkingDays which stores 1 if it's working day and 0 if it's holidays/weekends.
and now i want to calculate the number of working days between two dates. here's the syntax i wrote but it's working:
f {vw_astCalendarDeviations.IsWorkingDay} = 1 and date(CurrentDate) to date({vw_wrkWorkOrders.RequiredByDate}) then 1 else 0
it's in Crystal reports
May 4, 2009 at 3:55 am
Since you already have a working calendar table, all you need is a COUNT query to get the no. of working days between two dates. For e.g.
SELECT @Date1 = '01-May-09', @Date2 = '31-May-09'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Calendar
WHERE CalendarDate >= @Date1 AND CalendarDate <= @Date2 AND IsWorkingDay = 1
May 4, 2009 at 5:06 am
thanks for quick response;
i was looking at something like this:
DateTimeVar StartDate:= CurrentDate;
DateTimeVar EndDate := {vw_wrkWorkOrders.RequiredByDate};
//Find out the difference in days and subtract the weekends
NumberVar DaysDiff := DateDiff("d",StartDate,EndDate) - DateDiff("ww",StartDate,EndDate,crsaturday) - DateDiff("ww",StartDate,EndDate,crsunday);
if Not({vw_astCalendarDeviations.IsWorkingDay}) in [1] and {vw_astCalendarDeviations.IsWorkingDay} in StartDate to EndDate then DaysDiff := DaysDiff - 1;
but i'm getting a boolean error in the If Not line
May 4, 2009 at 5:17 am
Firstly, you should have posted this in the correct forum. Since you posted in SQL forum, you get responses related SQL.
Secondly, I am not crystal report designer but you probably need a looping constraint such as FOR, WHILE or DO..WHILE..
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