get the employee list from the previous fiscal year

  • CREATE VIEW dbo.OcchEmp


    SELECT DISTINCT dbo.HREMP_adp.SSN,dbo.HREMP_adp.HIRE_DATE, dbo.HREMP_adp.DOB, HREMP_adp. EMPLNO , dbo.HREMP_adp.[FULL NAME], dbo.Entity.Code  as Unit, dbo.Entity.Description AS [Unit Desc],  dbo.Manager_List.Department as Department,dbo.Manager_List.Manager as Manager , dbo.HREMP_adp.CC as JobCCNo

    FROM         dbo.HREMP_adp INNER JOIN

                          dbo.Entity ON dbo.HREMP_adp.ENTITY = dbo.Entity.Code  INNER JOIN dbo.CCAndRequiredModule  ON dbo.HREMP_Adp.CC  = dbo.CCAndRequiredModule.[JobCost_NBR] INNER JOIN

                          Manager_List ON HREMP_adp.CC = Manager_List.HOME_JOBCOST_NBR

    WHERE     (dbo.HREMP_adp.EMPSTATUS <> 90) OR

                          (DATEDIFF(dd, dbo.HREMP_adp.HIRE_DATE, dbo.HREMP_adp.TERMDATE) < 0)

    the above is my data view. I want to extract the employees which the hired_date is the previous fisal year which is 07/01/05-06/30/06.

    Since I do not want to hard code the date as hired_date between and .


    What way is the better way to do that ? Thanks.


    here is some of the code

    If Now.Month > 7 Then

    BDate =

    New DateTime(Now.Year, 7, 1)


    BDate =

    New DateTime(Now.Year - 1, 7, 1)

    End If

    Dim EDate As DateTime = BDate.AddYears(1).AddDays(-1)


    I think something similiar like this

    select * from  occhemp where hire_date between year(getdate()-5)-07-01 and  year(getdate()+1)-06-30

    but I do not know how to correct format this.






  • If I am reading you correctly, you want to always grab the previous fiscal year.  This means that your month and days will always be the same because your fiscal year does not change, but you need the year portion of your date to by dynamic so that the query will not need changed every year.  Is this correct?  If so, try this:


    declare @occhemp table (hire_date datetime)

    insert into @occhemp

    select '2006-07-01' union all

    select '2005-07-01' union all

    select '2006-05-01' union all

    select '2005-09-01' union all

    select '2006-08-01' union all

    select '2005-10-01'

    select *

    from @occhemp

    where hire_date between DATEADD(yy,-1,CAST(CONVERT(varchar(4),YEAR(GETDATE())) + '-07-01' as datetime))

        and CAST(CONVERT(varchar(4),YEAR(GETDATE())) + '-06-30' as datetime)

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thax. that is what I want.

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