Get the current status of a job

  • Anyone have any coding technigues that will let me know if a job is running.  I want to start a job and then wait for it to end.  So I need a signal that it is ended.  How would I get that?  It is avaialbe in sp_help_job but there are nested temporary tables that will not allow me to access the column called current_execution_status by creating a temporary table. 


    It would be really nice it there was a IsItRunning function that returns a bit that says yes or no. (but no temporary tables in functions).

  • check the posts in this thread it will give you what you need

    * Noel

  • OK I wrote a function that returns the information.  Thanks to my colleague the trick was OPENROWSET.

    Here is the function

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FN_JobCurrentExecutionStatus  (@jobname sysname)

    RETURNS int


    Purpose: This function returns the current_execution_status

      The results mean

      Value Description

      0 Returns only those jobs that are not idle or suspended. 

      1  Executing.

      2 Waiting for thread.

      3 Between retries.

      4 Idle.

      5 Suspended.

      7 Performing completion actions.

    Variables: @jobname - the name of the job

    Author:  Steve

    Tested on:  SQL Server 8.0, Service Pack 3a

    Date created: October 5, 2005

    Change History:

    mm/dd/yyyy  Narrative to describe why the change was made



    DECLARE @currentstatus int

    SELECT @currentstatus = current_execution_status FROM OPENROWSET(N'SQLOLEDB','SERVER=<servername>;UID=<userid>;PWD=<password>','set fmtonly off EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_help_job] @job_name = ''<jobname>'', @job_aspect = ''JOB'' set fmtonly on')

    RETURN (@currentstatus )


    Any comments on this code would be appreciated.



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