Get the change record details with flag

  • ---Incoming data everytime 

    Drop table if exists #Temp
    Create table #Temp
    (Col1 Nvarchar(1000),
    Col2 Nvarchar(1000))

    Truncate table #Temp
    Insert into #Temp
    Select '1','AA'
    UNION Select '2','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AB'
    UNION Select '3','AC'
    UNION Select '4','AA'

    --- this is the Reference table which will not be deleted evertime, it will check if the data has changed or not for its consecutive runs.

    Drop table if exists #Temp_Maintable

    Create table #Temp_Maintable
    (Col1 Nvarchar(1000),
    Col2 Nvarchar(1000),
    Flag INT)

    INSERT INTO #Temp_Maintable
    Select *,0 from #Temp

    --- Second run data , here 3 AA got changed to 5, AA and it is no more with 3 , so the flag needs to set as 1 for 3 and 5 and new record has added for 10(the flag needs to set as 1)

    Truncate table #Temp
    Insert into #Temp
    Select '1','AA'
    UNION Select '2','AA'
    UNION Select '5','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AB'
    UNION Select '3','AC'
    UNION Select '4','AA'
    UNION Select '10','AA'

    This is the expected outcome , hence i have updated , since i knew this is what but for more values and
    records it is not the case.

    Update #Temp_Maintable Set Flag=1 where Col1=3
    Update #Temp_Maintable Set Col1=5, Flag=1 where Col1=3 and Col2='AA'
    INSERT INTO #Temp_Maintable
    Select *,1 from #Temp where Col1=10

    Select * from #Temp_Maintable

    How logically try to get this ?
    I tried with Left join , but how to get the flag as 1 for 3,5,10.
    Here 3 is also set to 1(flag) since AA has moved out now it has only 2 records in the Second time file.

    Select *, DENSE_RANK() over( Order by cast(a.col1 as int)) from #Temp as a
    LEFT JOIN #Temp_Maintable as b
    on a.Col1=b.Col1
    and a.Col2 = b.Col2

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  LearnSQL.
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  • I do not understand how your data is ordered – it is neither Col1 nor Col2. Please explain, because without explicit ordering, I do not think that this problem can be solved.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Data is not in any order either Col1 nor Col2, i have taken this as an example in the real time it won't be the case.

    Data can change in Col1 & in Col2. Col2 has reference with Col1 , hence if the regroup has been removed or added(Col1=3) then it should also be reloaded for me for different purpose.

    As i said i am trying to find the logic, you can ignore my LEFT JOIN logic if is more confusing.


  • Any thoughts or suggestions on the above

  • LearnSQL wrote:

    Any thoughts or suggestions on the above

    As I said, with no ordering, my thoughts are that it's impossible, because the flag could be set against a different row every time.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Data is not in any order either Col1 nor Col2, Data might change in Col1 & in Col2

  • If I'm understanding then perhaps an INSERT statement and an UPDATE statement.  Possibly it could also be done using a MERGE statement however I don't use such syntactic sugar.  Also, this assumes (Col1, Col2) is a unique tuple

    Drop table if exists #Temp_Maintable;
    Create table #Temp_Maintable(
    Col1 Nvarchar(10),
    Col2 Nvarchar(10),
    Flag INT default 0);

    Insert into #Temp_Maintable(Col1, Col2)
    Select '1','AA'
    UNION Select '2','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AB'
    UNION Select '3','AC'
    UNION Select '4','AA';

    Drop table if exists #Temp;
    Create table #Temp(
    Col1 Nvarchar(10),
    Col2 Nvarchar(10));

    Insert into #Temp
    Select '1','AA'
    UNION Select '2','AA'
    UNION Select '5','AA'
    UNION Select '3','AB'
    UNION Select '3','AC'
    UNION Select '4','AA'
    UNION Select '10','AA';
    --select * from #Temp;

    /* without unique tuple (Col1, Col2) this doesn't work*/
    create unique index ndx_unq_tm on #Temp_Maintable(Col1, Col2);
    create unique index ndx_unq_tm on #Temp(Col1, Col2);

    /* make sure the (multiple) DML statements which follow are rolled back as a single transaction */
    set xact_abort on;

    /* insert nonexistant rows */
    with only_exits_in_t_cte as (
    select t.*
    from #Temp t
    where not exists (select 1
    from #Temp_Maintable tm
    where tm.Col1=t.col1
    and tm.col2=t.col2))
    insert #Temp_Maintable(col1, col2, flag)
    select *, 1
    from only_exits_in_t_cte;

    /* delete existant rows and output old Col1 values */
    Drop table if exists #Temp_exists;
    Create table #Temp_exists(
    Col1 Nvarchar(10),
    Col2 Nvarchar(10));

    exits_only_in_tm_cte as (
    select tm.Col1, tm.Col2
    from #Temp_Maintable tm
    where not exists (select 1
    from #Temp t
    where t.Col1=tm.col1
    and t.col2=tm.col2))
    delete tm
    output deleted.Col1, deleted.Col2 into #Temp_exists
    from #Temp_Maintable tm
    join exits_only_in_tm_cte otm on tm.Col1=otm.Col1
    and tm.Col2=otm.Col2;
    if @@rowcount>0
    /* make sure the update uses unique values on the righthand side of join*/
    declare @unq_col1 table(col1 nvarchar(10) unique not null);
    insert @unq_col1 select distinct col1 from #Temp_exists;

    /* update based on unique Col1 values */
    update tm
    set flag=1
    from #Temp_Maintable tm
    join @unq_col1 uc on tm.Col1=uc.col1;

    select *
    from #Temp_Maintable;

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Steve Collins. Reason: Renamed CTE to more clearly reflect its purpose

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • This gives you the expected results.  You'll probably need to feed the CTE into a MERGE statement to get the updates that you need.

    WITH Temp_Changes AS
    FROM #Temp AS a
    FULL OUTER JOIN #Temp_Maintable AS b
    ON a.Col1 = b.Col1
    AND a.Col2 = b.Col2
    SELECT *
    FROM Temp_Changes
    WHERE Temp_Changes.Col1 IS NOT NULL;

    Also, when giving expected results, DO NOT UPDATE THE SAMPLE DATA.  Provide a completely separate table with expected results.  I want to be able to run the query multiple times without having to worry about whether the sample data has changed.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thank you all , yes it worked as expected.

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