Get SQLServer Name and Uptime SPROC

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Get SQLServer Name and Uptime SPROC

  • Alternatively:

    SELECT TOP 1 login_time FROM master..sysprocesses (NOLOCK)

    ORDER BY login_time

    Since I've noticed that on some of our SQL servers spid 1 is not the longest running process!

    How, I don't know! Maybe someone more knowledgeable can explain

  • Thanks for the update, Nigel. I will update the SPROC code.


  • There are many ways to skin a cat:

    This is my way:

    select crdate,[Name] from sys.sysdatabases where name = 'tempdb'

    Why does this work?

    Well... every time you MSSQL Starts, it recreates the TEMPDB.



  • MiguelSQL (11/16/2010)

    There are many ways to skin a cat:

    Indeed there are 🙂

    This is my way:

    select crdate,[Name] from sys.sysdatabases where name = 'tempdb'

    Why does this work?

    Well... every time you MSSQL Starts, it recreates the TEMPDB.



    And it looks like like the tempdb is created even sooner than the first process (at least it is on the couple of instances I tried). YMMV

  • Thanks for the script Chris.

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