Get Second Highest Value

  • Hi

    Im just wondering how to program a stored procedure to get the second highest numerical value stored in a column in a table


    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

  • Ugly - But it works


    create table tmp_tmp_tmp

    (id int)

    insert into tmp_tmp_tmp values (1)

    insert into tmp_tmp_tmp values (2)

    insert into tmp_tmp_tmp values (3)

    insert into tmp_tmp_tmp values (4)

    select max(id) from tmp_tmp_tmp

    where id <> (select max(id) from tmp_tmp_tmp)

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • there is one more way...

    select top 1 id from (

    select top 2 id from tmp_tmp_tmp order by id desc)

    as tmp order by id


  • Just a couple more where the nth record can be picked:

    DECLARE @var1 VARCHAR(12)

    DECLARE @var2 VARCHAR(30)


    SELECT @var1 = id, @var2 = firstname FROM users ORDER BY id


    SELECT TOP 3 * FROM users

    WHERE  (id >= @var1 AND firstname=@var2) OR ( firstname>@var2)

    ORDER BY  firstname,id

    DECLARE @var1 VARCHAR(12)

    DECLARE @var2 VARCHAR(30)


    SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id


    Select * From Users u1 Where

    (10-1) = (Select Count( From users u2 Where >

  • Yet another way:

    use Northwind


    Select top 2 rownum = identity(int,1,1),

               productid, quantity

    into #tmp

    from [order details]

    order by quantity desc

    select * from #tmp

    where rownum = 2

    drop table #tmp


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • select max(colName) from table

    where colName not in ( select max(colName) from table)

    The subquery gets the max value and then the main query get the next value.

  • Yet another. Its a single pass without a sort step.

    declare @MaxNum int

    declare @MaxNumMinOne int

    set @MaxNum = 0

    set @MaxNumMinOne = -1

    SELECT @MaxNumMinOne = case when @MaxNum < ClientNumber then @MaxNum else @MaxNumMinOne end

                 , @MaxNum = case when @MaxNum < ClientNumber then ClientNumber else @MaxNum end

    @MaxNum then ClientNumber else @MaxNumMinOne end

     FROM MyTable

    print @MaxNum

    print @MaxNumMinOne

  • You can try this query:

    select max(resourceid) from resources

    where resourceid < (select max(resourceid) from resources)

    The subquery selects all the values lower than the max value and the main query picks the highest of the lot.

    Hope this helps.


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