Get Row by MAX(sales_date) ???... Stumper...

  • I have a table that is keyed by emp_id, each employee my have up to 100 sales records in this table, I need to pull the entire row for the most recent sales date in 2006, the problem is that date could fall anywhere between 01/01/06 and 12/31/06 based on thier last sale. I've tried using MAX(sales_date), but it returns the data from all the rows. I just don't need the sales date, I need all the info for this person based on the MAX(sales_date).

    Here's a sample of my table:


    emp_id | company | sales_date | s_gross | PO_Num | S_gross_YTD

    1831        ABC         01/10/06     100.00       456             100.00

    1831        ABC         02/10/06     100.00       121             200.00

    1831        ABC         04/10/06     100.00       122             300.00

    1831        ABC         05/10/06     100.00       333             400.00

    1831        ABC         06/10/06     100.00       433             500.00

    1900        ABC         03/10/06     100.00       111             100.00

    2200        ABC         10/11/06     100.00       444             100.00

    2200        ABC         11/17/06     100.00       567             200.00

    2200        ABC         12/26/06     100.00       009             300.00

    I want to create view that would pull just 3 records from this table based on the greatest sales date. As illustrated below.

    1831        ABC         06/10/06     100.00       433             500.00

    1900        ABC         03/10/06     100.00       111             100.00

    2200        ABC         12/26/06     100.00       009             300.00


    Thanks in advance,


  • join to itself as a subquery or join

    select * from sales s1

    join (

    select emp_id, max(sales_date) as sales_date

    from sales s2

    group by emp_id

    ) s2 on s1.emp_id = s2.emp_id and s1.sales_date = s2.sales_date

  • However, if there are rows for the same emp_id and sales_date, you will still get multiple rows for a emp_id.  For instance, if emp_id 1831 had two orders on 6/10/06:

    emp_id | company | sales_date | s_gross | PO_Num | S_gross_YTD
    1831       ABC      06/10/06    100.00      333       400.00
    1831       ABC      06/10/06    200.00      433       600.00

    In your case here, you may be able to get way with it by also using MAX(S_gross_YTD) (as I assume that will accumulated for each order?).

    Otherwise, the only way I know of would be to build a temp table with primary keys that match the MAX(sales_date), then eliminate the unwanted rows using a TOP parameter.

    Hope this helps


  • In your case here, you may be able to get way with it by also using MAX(S_gross_YTD) (as I assume that will accumulated for each order?).
    Excellent point, Mark!

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Thanks Everyone!!!  I've got it working..

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