Get Rid of Duplicates!

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Get Rid of Duplicates!

    seth delconte

  • I have the same issue on some tables that have an auto increment column which isn't an identity column, though lucky it sounds like it doesn't happen as often as it does for you! This is my technique which doesn't use a temp table, I use set rowcount set to 1 less than the number of duplicates and then call delete:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.tblDupTest


    idintnot null,


    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(2)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(3)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(4)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(4)

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblDupTest VALUES(4)

    -- At this point we should have two 1s and three 4s



    -- This will give us the counts


    COUNT(id) AS 'Count'


    GROUP BY id

    HAVING COUNT(id) > 1

    -- Then set the rowcount to one less than the duplicate and call delete

    set rowcount 1

    DELETE FROM dbo.tblDupTest WHERE id = 1

    set rowcount 2

    DELETE FROM dbo.tblDupTest WHERE id = 4

    set rowcount 0



  • Hi I prefer this syntax:

    WITH ItemsToBeDeleted



    SELECT *

    , row_number() over (partition by item_no ORDER BY id) as RowNumber

    FROM item_store


    DELETE FROM ItemsToBeDeleted Where RowNumber = 2

    Much more efficient.



  • dealing with duplicates on a daily basis, i find this approach works well

    alter table withdupes add delid int identity(1,1)

    delete x

    from withdupes x

    inner join (

    select itemno, min(delid) as keepid

    from withdupes

    group by itemno

    ) y on x.itemo = y.itemno

    where x.delid <> y.keepid

    alter table withdupes drop column delid

  • It's very neat and all, and maybe I misunderstand, but if the tables are identical, couldn't you avoid the whole duplicates issue by inserting into one table only, and let replication take care of the rest?



  • The row_number() method is by far the quickest and cleanest method. If you've never used row_number() before, do yourself a favor and learn it.

    one modification to JP's code.. "... where RowNumber > 1" will delete all duplicates not just in cases where you only have 1 dup.

    JP de Jong-202059 (11/30/2009)

    Hi I prefer this syntax:

    WITH ItemsToBeDeleted



    SELECT *

    , row_number() over (partition by item_no ORDER BY id) as RowNumber

    FROM item_store


    DELETE FROM ItemsToBeDeleted Where RowNumber = 2

    Much more efficient.



    Regards, Jim C

  • There's an old article on it on this site...

    This option became available with SQL Server 2005.

    Jim C-203340 (11/30/2009)

    The row_number() method is by far the quickest and cleanest method. If you've never used row_number() before, do yourself a favor and learn it.

    one modification to JP's code.. "... where RowNumber > 1" will delete all duplicates not just in cases where you only have 1 dup.

    JP de Jong-202059 (11/30/2009)

    Hi I prefer this syntax:

    WITH ItemsToBeDeleted



    SELECT *

    , row_number() over (partition by item_no ORDER BY id) as RowNumber

    FROM item_store


    DELETE FROM ItemsToBeDeleted Where RowNumber = 2

    Much more efficient.



    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • I have had a similar problem in the past, but rather than looking to clean up after the fact, I test for duplicates beforehand and eliminate the insert at that time.

    I feel I have missed something in the original article as to why this might not have been identified as a design issue.

  • I think I'm with Tony Scott on this one: why not prevent the issue at insert time, rather than go through all the pain of removing duplicates after the fact?

  • yes agree with this - if you are replicating two databases then just update one - other than that use unique constraints (and if need be triggers) to make sure that you always have a natural uniqueness on each row in your table.

  • To answer the 'Why don't you just use replication/triggers to keep the tables in sync' questions:

    Our app is being phased out, and was developed by 2 teams of developers that wrote the app to access 2 different databases that were very similar, but not exactly the same. As we are developing new software to replace the old app, I have to keep it functional for now. Thus, replication and/or triggers are not a viable solution in this case. 🙂

    seth delconte

  • Good article, Seth, and a nice explanation of the issue. It's not always easy to do things up front, especially when you have business reasons for not putting resources into those solutions. We've all had apps that we would like to re-architect, but could not for some reason.

  • Good explanation, I can understand now why the issue cannot be resolved up front.


  • I use this one a lot because it removes multiples (3's, 4's, etc) - not just duplicates...

    WITH dups AS

    ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition BY USER_NAME, start_date ORDER BY USER_NAME, start_date) AS RowNum

    FROM tbl_users)

    Delete from dups where rownum > 1

  • I use this:

    DELETE FROM tblUser tu1

    WHERE tu1.intUserID > ANY (SELECT intUserID

    FROM tblUser tu2

    WHERE tu2.strUserName = tu1.strUserName

    AND tu2.strFamilyName = tu1.strFamilyName)

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