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  • 1 - That was Yesterday

    2 - The code is correct and dcpeterson posted the exact same solution 5 minutes later.

    3 - So I hear you lost a bet while I was away??

  • 1 - you're right - that WAS yesterday!

    2 - dcpeterson did NOT post the SAME solution - his includes the oldQuoteID

    3 - I lost several bets - the most important one being that our resident genius won't be able to keep away from ssc while on vacation...I "almost" won it because I did see him logged on EVERY SINGLE DAY - including weekends...however, he did exercise admirable restraint and reduced his posts to only about 10 the entire time...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • oops - my bad...didn't read the post carefully enough - yes - dcpeterson did post the exact same solution....rats - can I never be right ?!?!

    remi - are you sure you didn't go back and edit your post ?!?! I could swear I didn't see that this morning!!!!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I'm sure... I had posted the same solution for Erik little a few weeks prior to that... also I usually test the solutions before posting 'em so it's unlikely that I have to change it later (typos excluded from check ).

    Also if I log at 11 pm, the site won't log me off untill late the next morning, so that doesn't actually count as 2 days. Also the fact that I passed at most 45 minutes in 2 weeks on the site qualifies as staying away from it in my case.

    Also I agree that you can never be right with me if you wish (that's gotta happen to you at least one in a lifetime... then you can actually enjoy being right) .

  • Also the fact that I passed at most 45 minutes in 2 weeks on the site qualifies as staying away from it in my case...

    I agree - that's why I said I lost the bet!

    Also I agree that you can never be right with me if you wish (that's gotta happen to you at least one in a lifetime... then you can actually enjoy being right)..

    that day will come remi - it's just a matter of time!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I disagree (hey you can't be right right away ).

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