Get date range from Week

  • I'd like to get the dates that range in a specific week for a specifc year.

    For example: What dates are in Week 14 of 2008? or what is the range? 3/12 - 3/18

    Any sugestions?

  • You need to start by providing a good definition of how the week of the year is determined.

    Week of the year is something that has different definitions in different organizations.

  • Week of the year as defined by SQL datepart(wk,Date).

    I'll be running a call count report by week and each day from that week for sales agents. I made a Cross Tab report that looks something like this. But this report only includes the current week of the date it runs.

    Agent Week Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Dates

    Bill 12 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 3/30 to 4/5

    John 12 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 3/30 to 4/5

    I've been able to include the Week date range such as 3/30 to 4/5 at the end but this is only because I know when the report will run so I can use Getdate() as a reference. If however I wanted to run a report similiar to this and it was going to span more than one week I'd like to be able to get those date ranges for each week that shows in the report.

    Agent Week Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Dates

    Bill 12 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 3/30 to 4/5

    John 12 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 3/30 to 4/5

    Bill 13 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 4/6 to 4/12

    John 13 34 21 35 56 45 60 50 4/6 to 4/12

  • As Michael said, it depends on your defintions but you can use a tally table like this

    declare @sdate datetime

    select @sdate = '1/1/2000'

    select dateadd(dd,n,@sdate) ,




    from tally

    where datepart(wk,(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate))) = 14

    and datepart(yyyy,(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate))) =2008

  • I sort of did that with the report that contains only the one week of data. Because I know the report runs on only Saturda I subtract 7 days from that and get my first day thus creating my date range

    select @Day = datepart(dd,getdate()),@Month = datepart(mm,Getdate())

    Select @Day as DD,@Month as MM

    select @EndOfWeek = convert(Varchar(10),@Month) + '/'+convert(varchar(10),@Day)

    select @EndofWeek

    select @StartOfWeek = convert(varchar(10),datepart(mm,dateadd(dd,-7,Getdate()))) +'/' + convert(varchar(10),datepart(dd,dateadd(dd,-7,Getdate())))

    Then I concatinated the variables for the select statement: @StartOfWeek + ' to ' + @EndOfWeek

    This won't work though if I have multiple weeks in the report.

  • create this as a view or subquery and join your dates week to it.

    declare @sdate datetime

    select @sdate = '1/1/2008'

    select min(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate)),



    from tally

    where datepart(yyyy,(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate))) = datepart(yyyy,@sdate)

    group by datepart(wk,(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate)))

    order by datepart(wk,(dateadd(dd,n,@sdate)))

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