Get database name for a particular user

  • Hi,

    We are working on a web interface and we need to list all the database with particular login details.Is there a query from where i can geta list of database name authorised to a particular login.

    Thanks and Regards


    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • You will have to query sysusers for all the databases and use some unconventional features  :

    declare @cmd varchar(300)

    select  @cmd = 'select  ''?'' as DB from [?].dbo.sysusers where isaliased = 0 and sid = ' + dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(suser_sid(suser_sname()))

    --select @cmd

    if object_id('tempdb..#t1') Is not null

     drop table #t1

    create table #t1 (databases varchar(128))

    insert into #t1 (databases)

    exec master..sp_MSforeachdb @cmd

    select * from #t1



    * Noel

  • Hi,

    The query looks good and fantastic but i m not able to understand this query,let me know where i can pass the user name of the database.

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • here's noeld's script witht he username pulled out as a parameter:in my example the username is 'hds'; i don't know how this will work for NT logins.

    declare @cmd varchar(300)

    declare @user varchar(30)

    set @user='hds'

    select  @cmd = 'select  ''?'' as DB from [?].dbo.sysusers where isaliased = 0 and sid = ' + dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(suser_sid(@user))

    --select @cmd

    if object_id('tempdb..#t1') Is not null

     drop table #t1

    create table #t1 (databases varchar(128))

    insert into #t1 (databases)

    exec master..sp_MSforeachdb @cmd

    select * from #t1


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • or

    declare @cmd varchar(300)

    declare @user varchar(30)

    set @user='loginname'

    select  @cmd = 'SELECT DISTINCT ''?''

    FROM master.dbo.syslogins l

    inner join [?].dbo.sysusers o ON o.sid = l.sid

    WHERE = ''' + @user + '''

    and o.hasdbaccess = 1'

    create table #t1 (databases varchar(128))

    insert into #t1 (databases)

    exec master..sp_MSforeachdb @cmd

    select * from #t1

    drop table #t1

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks a lot both the queries are of great help

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

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