Get data for last 4 week and issue \"Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar\"

  • I am trying to get data only for last 4 weeks. My field where I have dates is called [WED], what I normally would do is:

    I would declare some variables

    DECLARE @CurrentDateTime DATETIME = GETDATE(); DECLARE @CurrentDate DATE = @CurrentDateTime;

    DECLARE @LastWeekDt DATE = DATEADD(WW, -1, DATEADD(DD, 7 - DATEPART(dw, @CurrentDate), @CurrentDate)); DECLARE @LWDATE VARCHAR(8) = convert(varchar(8),cast (@LASTWEEKDT as date),112);

    DECLARE @Last4WeekDt DATE = DATEADD(WW, -3, DATEADD(DD, 7 - DATEPART(dw, @LastWeekDt), @LastWeekDt)); DECLARE @Last4WeekDATE VARCHAR(8) = convert(varchar(8),cast (@LAST4WEEKDT as date),112);

    and just use WHERE statement

    where [WED] BETWEEN @CurrentDate AND @Last4WeekDt

    However, I am getting an error namely: "Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 17 Operand type clash: date is incompatible with float"

    When I am trying to use this, I am still getting an error


    Error "Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar, value = 20181006.000000."

    Once I used this query and it helped, but this time I am still getting an error. Does someone know where can be a mistake?

    WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), ISNULL(NULLIF([WED], 0),19800101)), 112) < DATEADD(DAY,-30,GETDATE()) -- keeps 0s, older than 30 days

    I just need to get 4 weeks of data.

  • DECLARE @EndTargetDate DATE = '01-Jan-2022'



    WHERE SomeDate > DATEADD(week,-4,@EndTargetDate) AND SomeDate <= @EndTargetDate

  • Pietlinden thank you. I am getting an error "Operand type clash: date is incompatible with float".

  • why do you need to convert to char(8) ?


    What's the data type of your column [WED]  ??

    Rule number 1 ( with ANY RDBMS ): tell your system what you know !!!

    Rule number 2 ( with ANY RDBMS ): Declare columns with the correct data type !!!

    2022-07-27 08_30_23-SQLQuery1.sql - L-5CG8293JYX_SQL2019DE.master (ADAGILITY_jbijnens (60))_ - Micro


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  • by the looks of it WED is a float - bad bad choice for almost anything and definitely very bad for a date.

    -- as the column you are comparing to is a float (or numeric) you need to convert the date to a numeric representation.
    -- convert the date to a char(8), format 112 and then to a float

    DECLARE @LastWeekDt DATE = DATEADD(WW, -1, DATEADD(DD, 7 - DATEPART(dw, @CurrentDate), @CurrentDate));
    DECLARE @LWDATE float = convert(float, convert(char(8), @LastWeekDt , 112));

    DECLARE @Last4WeekDt DATE = DATEADD(WW, -3, DATEADD(DD, 7 - DATEPART(dw, @LastWeekDt), @LastWeekDt));
    DECLARE @Last4WeekDATE float = convert(float, convert(char(8), @Last4WeekDt , 112));
  • frederico_fonseca

    Thank you very much. It fixed my issue. I appreciate it.

  • Johan Bijnens it appeared to be in float as I understand, not sure why.

  • Thank you for the feedback.


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  • Just to confirm what happened here and according to the other thread on a similar subject, it's because someone designed the table with numeric dates as Jeremy pointed out in the first post in this thread.

    @Jeremy... I don't know what is using this table but I strongly recommend that either someone do the necessary conversion and replace the column as an actual DATE datatype column, or and a persisted, indexed, computed column that you can use much more effectively in SQL.  Actually, and the trigger police are sure to make an appearance, I'd make a trigger to populate the additional column to prevent any chance of it being interpreted by the system as a scalar function.  See the both of the following for why I say that.  TGhe first identifies the problem and the second is the ultimate and probably best fix.

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