Get count for changed value

  • Hi,

    I need to to something similar for TOwners like I have for WorkDone  in the code below . I am looking for prev_Twoners column to see where the change occurred based on TaskID and ProjectID for TOwners .



    TaskID INT,

    ProjectID INT,

    TOwners VARCHAR(10),

    WorkDone INT,

    UpdateDate DATETIME,

    Counts INT


    INSERT INTO #Test ( TaskID,ProjectID,TOwners,WorkDone,UpdateDate,Counts )

    SELECT 1,1,'Name1',100,'2019-01-22 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name1',100,'2019-01-23 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name1',100,'2019-01-24 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name1',110,'2019-01-25 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name2',100,'2019-01-18 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name2',100,'2019-01-19 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name2',100,'2019-01-20 00:00:00.000',0 UNION

    SELECT 1,1,'Name3',100,'2019-01-21 00:00:00.000',0

    SELECT * FROM #Test

     --Code used to detect change for work done


    t1.TaskID,t1.ProjectID ,Updatedate,

    max(WorkDone) over (partition by TaskID order by UpdateDate rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as prev_Completed,



    FROM #Test t1

    DROP TABLE #Test


  • I'll present two methods that I found to get the data.  Thanks for posting the DDL; it was very helpful to have something to use for testing.  If my solutions are not what you need, please explain further and I'll try again.

    First, I'll use the "LAG" function, which gets data from prior rows in the set.  There is also a corresponding "LEAD" function, which gets data from subsequent rows.  You tell SQL how to sort the data, then how many rows back (for LAG) or how many rows forward (for LEAD) to get data.  In the query below, "LAG(WorkDone, 1)" tells SQL to get the "WorkDone" column from "1" row prior (which is determined by the OVER clause).
    SELECT    TaskID,
        LAG(WorkDone, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS Prev_WorkDone,
        LAG(TOwners, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS Prev_TOwners,
    FROM    #Test
    ORDER BY TaskID,

    Second, I'll use a Common Table Expression to sort the records in order and create a "SortSeq" column, then join the data to itself using the sequence number but offset by one, which gets the prior records.  Then you can use anything you want from the prior record.  This is the manual way of doing what LEAD and LAG do.
    WITH    BaseData
    AS    (
        SELECT    TaskID, ProjectID, TOwners, WorkDone, UpdateDate, Counts,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS SortSeq
        FROM    #Test
    SELECT    b.TaskID,
        p.WorkDone AS Prev_WorkDone,
        p.TOwners AS Prev_TOwners,
    FROM        BaseData b /* Base data */
        LEFT JOIN BaseData p /* Previous record */
        ON    p.SortSeq = b.SortSeq - 1
    ORDER BY b.TaskID,

  • fahey.jonathan - Monday, January 28, 2019 4:48 PM

    I'll present two methods that I found to get the data.  Thanks for posting the DDL; it was very helpful to have something to use for testing.  If my solutions are not what you need, please explain further and I'll try again.

    First, I'll use the "LAG" function, which gets data from prior rows in the set.  There is also a corresponding "LEAD" function, which gets data from subsequent rows.  You tell SQL how to sort the data, then how many rows back (for LAG) or how many rows forward (for LEAD) to get data.  In the query below, "LAG(WorkDone, 1)" tells SQL to get the "WorkDone" column from "1" row prior (which is determined by the OVER clause).
    SELECT    TaskID,
        LAG(WorkDone, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS Prev_WorkDone,
        LAG(TOwners, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS Prev_TOwners,
    FROM    #Test
    ORDER BY TaskID,

    Second, I'll use a Common Table Expression to sort the records in order and create a "SortSeq" column, then join the data to itself using the sequence number but offset by one, which gets the prior records.  Then you can use anything you want from the prior record.  This is the manual way of doing what LEAD and LAG do.
    WITH    BaseData
    AS    (
        SELECT    TaskID, ProjectID, TOwners, WorkDone, UpdateDate, Counts,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY TaskID, ProjectID ORDER BY UpdateDate) AS SortSeq
        FROM    #Test
    SELECT    b.TaskID,
        p.WorkDone AS Prev_WorkDone,
        p.TOwners AS Prev_TOwners,
    FROM        BaseData b /* Base data */
        LEFT JOIN BaseData p /* Previous record */
        ON    p.SortSeq = b.SortSeq - 1
    ORDER BY b.TaskID,

    If you're going to present two options, you should discuss the relative merits of each option.  In this case, there is simply no comparison.  LAG will always outperform the second method.  The only reason to even consider the second method is if you are working on SQL 2008 or earlier where LAG is not available.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Works perfectly . Tried the first solution . Thanks!

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