get column names and values in each row in SQL Server

  • I Have ask from my vendor to send csv file with label and data in each row for the columns data i send them. I am trying to do in SSIS but not working , can someone please help with this?

    For example I have three columns in a table and 3 rows in it but i want to get column names and values in each row.

    columnName| Column Value~

    Below is sql table with 3 records

    Name city zip

    AAA         DALLAS 12345

    BBB         CHICAGO 99999

    CCC        Columbus  00000







  • Why do you want to use such a non-standard format instead of just a standard CSV with column names in a header row? Or no header row if the data is uniform?

    Is the data not uniform as your example implies (i.e., do some rows not have the same columns).

    Even json or xml should work w/ non-uniform elements/t if you want a format (albeit bulkier, w/ that disadvantage somewhat offset by the advantage of being well-supported standards) with attribute/element names inline .

  • I suggest that you use a SQL query as the source for your dataflow, with output to a single column. Something like this:


    Name VARCHAR(50)
    ,City VARCHAR(50)
    ,Zip VARCHAR(50)

    INSERT #Place
    ('AAA', 'Dallas', '12345')
    ,('BBB', 'Chicago', '99999')
    ,('CCC', 'Columbus', '00000');

    SELECT OutCol = CONCAT('Name|', p.Name, '~City|', p.City, '~zip|', p.Zip)
    FROM #Place p;

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Thank you Phil for this idea, i will test and let you know if this is working.

  • If you need to do this for more than one table or don't want to hard code the column names you can use dynamic sql. This could probably be cleaner and it doesn't handle dates very well. I don't know if SET Variable = Variable + Column works with concat, so the + chokes on integers which is why the convert is there. I couldn't be bothered to make the convert conditional based on data type which is why datetimes get mangled.

    With hindsight I would hard code the query as suggested by Phil.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.SampleData
    CREATE TABLE dbo.SampleData
    ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1),
    TheName VARCHAR(100),
    City VARCHAR(100),
    Zip VARCHAR(10),
    InsertDate DATETIME

    INSERT dbo.SampleData
    VALUES ('AAA', 'DALLAS', '12345', GETDATE()), ('BBB', 'CHICAGO', '99999', GETDATE()), ('CCC', 'COLUMBUS', '00000', GETDATE())

    DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) = 'SampleData',
    @TableSchema VARCHAR(100) = 'DBO',
    @List NVARCHAR(4000) = '',

    SELECT @List = @List + CONCAT('''',COLUMN_NAME,'|''+' , CONCAT('ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),', COLUMN_NAME,'),'''')'), '+','''∼'''+'+')
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableName
    AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @TableSchema

    SET @SQL = CONCAT('SELECT ', SUBSTRING(@List,1,(LEN(@List)-5)), ' AS ColumnList FROM ', @TableSchema, '.', @TableName)


  • Here is another method - not dynamic, but easily extensible:

    Declare @sampleData table (Name varchar(50), City varchar(50), Zip char(5));
    Insert Into @sampleData (Name, City, Zip)
    Values ('AAA', 'Dallas', '12345')
    , ('BBB', 'Chicago', '99999')
    , ('CCC', 'Columbus', '00000');

    Declare @columnMap table (Position smallint, ColumnName varchar(50));
    Insert Into @columnMap (Position, ColumnName)
    Values (1, 'Name'), (2, 'City'), (3, 'Zip')

    Declare @fieldDelimiter char(1) = '|'
    , @columnDelimiter char(1) = '~';

    Select row_value = string_agg(concat_ws(@fieldDelimiter, cm.ColumnName, f.FieldValue), @columnDelimiter)
    From @sampleData sd
    Cross Join @columnMap cm
    Cross Apply (Values (choose(cm.Position, sd.Name, sd.City, sd.Zip))) As f(FieldValue)
    Group By sd.Name;


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  • dhanekulakalyan wrote:

    Thank you Phil for this idea, i will test and let you know if this is working.

    It would still be nice to know the need for this particular format.  Thanks.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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  • And if you don't like mixing cross join and cross apply - or using the table variable, you can embed the column mapping into the query as follows:

    Declare @fieldDelimiter char(1) = '|'
    , @columnDelimiter char(1) = '~';

    Select row_value = string_agg(concat_ws(@fieldDelimiter, cm.ColumnName, f.FieldValue), @columnDelimiter)
    From @sampleData As sd
    Cross Apply (Values (1, 'Name'), (2, 'City'), (3, 'Zip')) As cm(Position, ColumnName)
    Cross Apply (Values (choose(cm.Position, sd.Name, sd.City, sd.Zip))) As f(FieldValue)
    Group By sd.Name, sd.City, sd.Zip;

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • The Answer is that is how our vendor asked us to send our weekly files going forward. I think they are using SAS programming and their system accepts the files this way i guess. Thank you all for you replies, i will using this set of codes. Thank you again.

  • dhanekulakalyan wrote:

    The Answer is that is how our vendor asked us to send our weekly files going forward. I think they are using SAS programming and their system accepts the files this way i guess. Thank you all for you replies, i will using this set of codes. Thank you again.

    Awesome.  Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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