Get calling Procedure name in Trigger

  • I am trying to implement table change log. For this we decided to create a BEFORE_UPDATE trigger. Is there a way to find out which stored procedure called the update on the table which in turn invoked the trigger?

    Furthermore how can the data be sent back to the web application.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Hi

    IF (OBJECT_ID('udp_test') IS NOT NULL)

    DROP PROCEDURE udp_test




    SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE object_id = @@PROCID


    EXECUTE udp_test



  • Hi,

    If you have only couple of procedure updating a table and you are using SQL 2005 or 2008. You can look into output clause instead of trigger and use @@ProcId to manage your audit log.

    I do not think it is possible to know the name of the stored procedure which has initiate the update on the table in a trigger (without modifying the procedure). If you find an answer please do post in the forum to increase my limited knowledge 🙂

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • I modified Florian.Reischl's code to

    IF (OBJECT_ID('udp_test') IS NOT NULL) DROP PROCEDURE udp_test




    SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE object_id = @@PROCID

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) AS 'Procedure Name' -- added this line



    EXECUTE udp_test

    Result from added line is:

    Procedure Name



    Result from original code is:

    name object_id multiple additonal columns too numerous to show.

    ----- ---------

    udp_test 219147826

    In other words it returns the data for the procedure which executes the code. -- and it will not function properly with a dynamic T-SQL statement. I do not think that this is what you want or is it?

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • The only way I can think of to do it is to use one of the classic statement capture scripts in the trigger, eg.

    SELECT B.text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests A

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(A.sql_handle) B

    where A.session_id = @@spid

    You'd then need to parse the resultant text to find the procedure name.

  • Firstly, Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I am still unable to get the procname which initiated the trigger. Since I have limited knowledge about the built in SQL functions and the tricks you can do this action might not be possible.

    What I am trying to do is maintain a change/audit log for a table whether it changes through a direct call to update proc of the table from my app or it gets updated from another proc.

    It is easy to keep track of an update log from the application, but it is little trickier if the table gets updated from another proc.

  • Hi

    So you do not only need the name of the current procedure but the complete callstack to your current position.

    Maybe this helps (did not evaluate):



  • I believe that is what I am looking for. It seems they dont have a real solution yet for these situations.

  • amujtaba

    May I ask you to elaborate more on what you want, and the scenario that you want it in.

    1. Do you apply all updates using only Stored Procedures?

    2. If answer to question 1 is yes - how many different stored procedures are there for this one particular table.

    3. Are there more than one table to be audited, if yes how many?

    5. Must the auditing be performed by a trigger, or are you open to another technique?

    Now my reason for all the questions is. I had developed a somewhat elaborate method to determine the most used SPs in a SQL 2000 database that with modification might satisfy your request.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Just to elaborate a little more I only want to track an update to the record, not insert or delete

    1) There is only one update proc where the data is updated

    2) Other procs might be calling this update proc for the table

    3) There is only one table

    4) Any technique would work for me


  • Thank you for the additional information


    2) Other procs might be calling this update proc for the table

    This poses other questions:

    6. Do you want the name of the Other procs? (Which seems self obvious since there is only one proc that performs the actual update.) But I have to ask.

    7. If yes how many Other procs are there?

    8. Can you post the code for the one proc that performs the update.

    9. Post the code for one of the Other procs

    10. The hardest question - why do you want to do this, what is your ultimate goal?

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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