Geocoding in SQL Server - do I need C# for it?

  • I've been digging around playing with spatial maps in SQL Server.  I've read a few articles on geocoding etc, and it looks like it's done under the covers in Excel 2016+ using Bing under the covers. If I want to do it in SQL Server, do I have options besides creating an account on Bing/Google to do the geocoding?

    Yeah, I know. Welcome to 2008R2, right?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • I'm not entirely sure what you want to do here. You can do this in SQL Server (, directly by using the spatial types. Or you could call the Bing (or Google) APIs to calculate things, but depending on your application, you might choose one over the other.


  • Thanks Steve. Just wanted to geocode a bunch of addresses in my database.

  • Okay, I feel stupid. I'm thinking I should be able to do this using a CTE and and update query. Would I have to convert this to a table-valued function and return the table of results that way? Or does this method geocode a single address at a time, so I'd have to loop through my addresses with a cursor? <shudder>

  • Hello

    Read the book: "Pro Spatial with SQL Server 2012"

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