Generating random 6 digit numbers

  • Merry Christmas to All,

    I need to generate 6 digit random numbers( exectly 6 digit) through sql query. How can i do it....

    I tried

    select cast((rand()*1000000) as decimal(6))

    But some times it is giving 5 digit numbers also.I need execly 6 digits

    Please Help..



  • You can do onne thing

    Assigned fisrt generated number to first varible.

    Assigned second generated number to second varible.

    Then using substring u can concating the two variable by taking 3 of 1 variable and 3 of other varible.

    Paresh Prajapati
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  • Dear Shailesh!

    Follow the Bellow code it will give you exactlly 6 no

    declare @no int

    set @no = (select cast((rand()*1000000) as decimal(6)))

    if len(@no) = 6

    select @no


    set @no = convert(varchar,(select cast((rand()*10) as decimal(1))))+convert(varchar,@no)


    Yousaf Khan (Pakistan)

    Yousaf Khan

  • Hi thanks for the reply..

    When i execute this code continuously 5 to 10 times, in between it is showing a message saying..

    'Command(s) completed successfully.'

    can you tell what would be the reason?

    No Dream Is Too Big....!

  • Thank u guys for the reply. But i came up with this solution...

    select cast((900000* Rand() + 100000) as int )

    This is also working according to my requirement..



  • Also refer


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • Sorry i was away from last 2 day's

    actually there a little change in code

    the correct code is

    declare @no int

    set @no = (select cast((rand()*1000000) as decimal(6)))

    if len(@no) = 6

    select @no


    select @no = convert(varchar,(select cast((rand()*10) as decimal(1))))+convert(varchar,@no)

    The Only change is to write "select" insted of "Set" in else section


    set @no = convert(varchar,(select cast((rand()*10) as decimal(1))))+convert(varchar,@no)


    select @no = convert(varchar,(select cast((rand()*10) as decimal(1))))+convert(varchar,@no)


    Yousaf Khan (pakistan)



    Yousaf Khan

  • Here's an old note I found in my archives.

    Hope it may be of some help.

    The general rule to use rand to generate random numbers from {lower limit} to {upper limit} is:

    select convert(int, {upper limit - lower limit + 1} * rand() + {lower limit} )

    So, to get numbers from 100000 to 999999: (all numbers in the 6-digit range)

    select convert(int, 900000 * rand() + 100000)



  • Dear Kenneth

    These Both has the same functionalty

    that shailesh got and you mentioned

    from you

    select convert(int, 900000 * rand() + 100000)

    from shailesh

    select cast((900000* Rand() + 100000) as int )

    Note Cast and convert are providing the same function.:


    Yousaf khan:P

    Yousaf Khan

  • Ah, you're right.

    Didn't read the thread carefully enough.

    btw, the convert/cast difference is only because I copied mine from an old note made back when cast wasn't yet available in SQL Server..

    Anyway, sry about the dupe post.


  • I wouldn't use RAND() to generate the random number because if more than one row is returned in a given Select that uses it, ALL of the supposedly random numbers will be the same.

    Take a look at the link Madhivanan posted... it's one of the right ways to do it.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • For the record, here's how I'd do it... very very fast because there's only 1 conversion and the rest is all integer math...

    SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%900000 + 100000

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Dear Kenneth

    Your Post is very usefull for the new t-sql users

    who do not know about cast/convert. there is no matter

    of sry every kind of information is usefull post every

    thing that you know as every body need it share

    your knowledge.

    Best Regards,

    Yousaf Khan:)

    Yousaf Khan

  • Here is one more method to generate a random number in the range of 100000 to 999999.

    It uses the right 7 bytes of the newid() to create a bigint value. Because negatives are defined by the left-most bit of the 8 byte bigint, the values can only be positive and there is no need for the abs function call.

    select convert(bigint,convert(varbinary(7),newid()))%900000+100000

    I will leave it to Jeff to test which method is the fastest and produces the most random distribution. 🙂

  • The cast to VarBinary takes more time, Michael. That's the way I used to do it before Peter Larson and Matt Miller showed me this other way.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
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