generating or populating time dimensions

  • hi,can any one help me in populating time dimensions in sql from 2000 to 2030 for every 15 i need to create time dimensions from 2000 jan 01 to 2030 dec 31 by taking 15 min interval,for every day 96 rows will has to done through ssis(sql server integration services)but not through stored procedures........plz help me if any one know

  • Here you go...

    Not the most effecient solution, but it will do

    set dateformat ymd

    declare @start datetime

    declare @increment float

    declare @end datetime

    set @start=(select cast('2000/01/01' as datetime))

    set @end =(select cast('2031/01/01' as datetime))

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name ='Time')

    drop table [Time]

    Create table [Time]([Date] datetime not null)

    while @start <= @end


    insert into [Time]

    select @start

    set @start=@start +(cast(1 as float)/24/4)


    select * from [time]

  • thank you very much..........

    still i need to refine like we r printing year,mth,day in a single column..can u tell how to put that yr,mth,day in a seperate columns..

    can u explain..........@start +(cast(1 as float)/24/4........i did not understand 1 as float

  • thank you very much..........

    still i need to refine like we r printing year,mth,day in a single column..can u tell how to put that yr,mth,day in a seperate columns..

    can u explain..........@start +(cast(1 as float)/24/4........i did not understand 1 as float


    There are sql functions which can strip date parts from a date. For your first question,

    Select Year([date]),month([Date]), day([Date])

    from [Time]

    Have a look at BOL for dateparts

    secound question,

    By adding a value 1 to a date you get the next day value. So in theory 1=1 day. Your reqiurement needed to be incremented by 15min.

    So 1/12, will give us an hour value further /4 will give us quarter of an hour.

    the cast ( as float) forces SQL not to look at it as an integer, because we are adding decimals.

    hope this makes sense.



  • thank you .......

    can we do the same thing through ssis in sql server..........

    if possible plz tell me..........

    waiting for ur reply

  • Yes you can,

    But give it a shot and post for any assistance reqiured.

  • can u tell me in detail to do that one in ssis......

  • gupta.sreekanth (1/13/2011)

    can u tell me in detail to do that one in ssis......

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but shouldn't you at least try it yourself?

    All the people on this forum are unpaid volunteers. You cannot expect them to write free code for you all the time. We are all glad to help in the case you are stuck, but you have to do at least some effort yourself.

    If you don't want to, hire a consultant to do it for you.

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