generating and storing a counter

  • I need to sequentially number events created by users with an incremental counter. In the events table, I have a unique key on the combination of OrgId, TypeId, and OrgEventCounter. Are there any “best practices” on how best to handle the unlikely possibility that 2 users will try to save at the same time with the same OrgEventCounter? Here’s a stripped down version

    DECLARE @OrgEventCounter int

    SET @OrgEventCounter =

    (SELECT MAX(OrgEventCounter)

    FROM dbo.Event

    WHERE OrganizationID = 2325 AND DocumentTypeOrgID = 1) + 1

    INSERT dbo.Event

    (OrganizationID, TypeID, OrgEventCounter)

    VALUES (1234, 1, @OrgEventCounter)

    I could trap for :

    Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 9

    Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_DocDataEvent'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DocDataEvent'.

    and loop until it works, but it seems there should be a more elegant way. Any insight is appreciated.

  • [font="Verdana"]The way I would do this is to keep the counter in a separate table, and use an identity field on that table as the counter.

    However, if you combine your two queries, and use a suffiently high isolation level, it should also do the trick:


    -- if there is no trigger on your Event table, then use the following

    -- logic to get the next counter


    update Quantifi.dbo.DocDataEvent

    set @OrgEventCounter = OrgEventCounter = OrgEventCounter + 1

    where OrganizationID = 2325 and

    DocumentTypeOrgID = 1


    -- assuming you have a trigger on the Event table that updates the

    -- counter in the Quantifi.dbo.DocDataEvent table


    set transaction isolation level serializable

    begin transaction;

    insert into dbo.Event(





    select 1234,


    max(OrgEventCounter) + 1

    from Quantifi.dbo.DocDataEvent

    where OrganizationID = 2325 and

    DocumentTypeOrgID = 1;



  • Hi

    There are several possible practices.

    If you only need an unique id you may use an IDENTITY INT column. If it does not matter if the id is an INT you can also use a TIMESTAMP or an UNIQUEIDENTIFYER.

    I for my own do not like IDENTITY columns. Maybe you may add a ID-Table which maintains the IDs so you can cache a set of IDs in your client application and/or abstract the INSERT action into a procedure.



  • florian.reischl (3/5/2009)

    I for my own do not like IDENTITY columns.

    Wow, that's some news there! How can you not like identity columns? I tell database developpers to put 1 on each and every table in the database. Only in really really rare scenarios we don't put an identity column.

    What's your sight on this? It puts an easy uniqueness to the rows for transmitting to another server, it's a perfect field for the update statements, and so is it for the delete. What's so wrong with it?



  • Sorry Bruce, for clarification, the tables in my 2 statements are actually the same table. I updated my original post.

  • I do not have a trigger that updates the counter. I can add one if I decide that it's definitely the best option. I generally only use triggers when I have no other good solution.

  • Jean-François Bergeron (3/5/2009)

    florian.reischl (3/5/2009)

    I for my own do not like IDENTITY columns.

    Wow, that's some news there! How can you not like identity columns? I tell database developpers to put 1 on each and every table in the database. Only in really really rare scenarios we don't put an identity column.

    What's your sight on this? It puts an easy uniqueness to the rows for transmitting to another server, it's a perfect field for the update statements, and so is it for the delete. What's so wrong with it?

    Wait until you start using replication ....

    * Noel

  • Wow, that's some news there! How can you not like identity columns? I tell database developpers to put 1 on each and every table in the database. Only in really really rare scenarios we don't put an identity column.

    What's your sight on this? It puts an easy uniqueness to the rows for transmitting to another server, it's a perfect field for the update statements, and so is it for the delete. What's so wrong with it?

    Hi J-F

    I don't like it because of some reasons:


    Our DBAs say they don't like it becase of replicatiion problems. Don't ask me, I'm no DBA and do not know very much about replication. I don't really believe this... :hehe:

    Manipulation of many data

    Our applications generate many data on client side before they become commited. We use an ID-Table which contains type (= table) specific ID-Ranges. So we can set new IDs to all new rows and then bulk insert them in one bulk.

    The profit is that the client application can build all the data within the client application with their final IDs and without the @@IDENTITY select for further links to other objects (rows).


    I think its just a subjective (maybe stupid) sight of me 😉 .



  • florian.reischl (3/5/2009)

    Wow, that's some news there! How can you not like identity columns? I tell database developpers to put 1 on each and every table in the database. Only in really really rare scenarios we don't put an identity column.

    What's your sight on this? It puts an easy uniqueness to the rows for transmitting to another server, it's a perfect field for the update statements, and so is it for the delete. What's so wrong with it?

    Hi J-F

    I don't like it because of some reasons:


    Our DBAs say they don't like it becase of replicatiion problems. Don't ask me, I'm no DBA and do not know very much about replication. I don't really believe this... :hehe:

    Manipulation of many data

    Our applications generate many data on client side before they become commited. We use an ID-Table which contains type (= table) specific ID-Ranges. So we can set new IDs to all new rows and then bulk insert them in one bulk.

    The profit is that the client application can build all the data within the client application with their final IDs and without the @@IDENTITY select for further links to other objects (rows).


    I think its just a subjective (maybe stupid) sight of me 😉 .



    :hehe: Your DBAs are RIGHT :hehe:

    * Noel

  • noeld (3/5/2009)

    florian.reischl (3/5/2009)

    Wow, that's some news there! How can you not like identity columns? I tell database developpers to put 1 on each and every table in the database. Only in really really rare scenarios we don't put an identity column.

    What's your sight on this? It puts an easy uniqueness to the rows for transmitting to another server, it's a perfect field for the update statements, and so is it for the delete. What's so wrong with it?

    Hi J-F

    I don't like it because of some reasons:


    Our DBAs say they don't like it becase of replicatiion problems. Don't ask me, I'm no DBA and do not know very much about replication. I don't really believe this... :hehe:

    Manipulation of many data

    Our applications generate many data on client side before they become commited. We use an ID-Table which contains type (= table) specific ID-Ranges. So we can set new IDs to all new rows and then bulk insert them in one bulk.

    The profit is that the client application can build all the data within the client application with their final IDs and without the @@IDENTITY select for further links to other objects (rows).


    I think its just a subjective (maybe stupid) sight of me 😉 .



    :hehe: Your DBAs are RIGHT :hehe:

    Wanna state why? From what I read, you can give servers different identity seeds (like separate to get 4 seeds).

    First is even positive numbers

    Second is even negative numbers

    Third is not even positive numbers

    Fourth is not even negative numbers.

    What are the issues of Identity columns on a replication action?



  • :hehe: Your DBAs are RIGHT :hehe:

    Hi Noel

    Thank you for this information! I still do not really know why but I don't have to. I'm an architect and only need to know that I have to avoid IDENTITIY columns 😉



  • Luckily I haven't ran into replication much. Because as the only technology seems to be the defacto where I work is clustering or nothing heh. But for replication issues; I would think Identity column causes issues in Merge replications correct? Because seed values might be different in two different nodes?

    But aside from that in stand alone databases, mirroring, etc. Is there anywhere you guys have found Identity column to be a bad choice? Thanks.


    Mohit K. Gupta, MCITP: Database Administrator (2005), My Blog, Twitter: @SQLCAN[/url].
    Microsoft FTE - SQL Server PFE

    * Some time its the search that counts, not the finding...
    * I didn't think so, but if I was wrong, I was wrong. I'd rather do something, and make a mistake than be frightened and be doing nothing. :smooooth:[/font]

    How to ask for help .. Read Best Practices here[/url].

  • Okay I suspected that this discussion will start now...

    I got my coke and my popcorn 😀 so let me learn about pro and contra of IDENTITIES! I'm really always interested in different sights!



  • Mohit (3/5/2009)

    Luckily I haven't ran into replication much. Because as the only technology seems to be the defacto where I work is clustering or nothing heh. But for replication issues; I would think Identity column causes issues in Merge replications correct? Because seed values might be different in two different nodes?

    But aside from that in stand alone databases, mirroring, etc. Is there anywhere you guys have found Identity column to be a bad choice? Thanks.

    Sure a cluster is always a good solution, but it is cost factor. We additionally have an external desaster-recovery data-center at another location. I think here is no other way than a replication.

  • Mohit (3/5/2009)

    Luckily I haven't ran into replication much. Because as the only technology seems to be the defacto where I work is clustering or nothing heh. But for replication issues; I would think Identity column causes issues in Merge replications correct? Because seed values might be different in two different nodes?

    But aside from that in stand alone databases, mirroring, etc. Is there anywhere you guys have found Identity column to be a bad choice? Thanks.

    Merge is just one of the problems, in transactional you will have to checkident the subscriber tables if you need failover.

    Disconnected Editing is cumbersome with identity columns; therefore ID tables are there to rescue you 😀

    .. and there are more but they are very specific and you could arguably say that identity could still be used.

    Don't get me wrong on places like DW with Dimession and Fact Tables it makes sense.

    On OLTP and disconnected systems, there are many situations in which there are better alternatives.

    * Noel

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