Generate table definitions from views

  • I have a collection of large views (many columns) and want to materialize these as tables in a second database. Is there a way to use T-SQL to produce scripts?

  • The quick solution is to use select..into to create tables. Then you have to script the tables and adjust constraints and nullability.



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • Yes, that would be a partial solution, especially since 90-95% of columns are nullable..

  • You could also try to use this code. It should generate column definitions for your views. copy/paste them from results and wrap into CREATE TABLE statement.

    select column_name + ' ' + Data_type +

    case when character_maximum_length is null then

    case when data_type in ('decimal', 'numeric')

    then ' (' + convert(varchar, numeric_precision) + ', ' + convert(varchar, numeric_scale) + ')'

    else ''



    case when data_type not in('text', 'image' ,'ntext') then

    '(' + replace(convert(varchar, character_maximum_length), '-1', 'max') + ')'

    else ''


    end +

    case when is_nullable = 'YES' then ' NULL' else ' NOT NULL' end

    + ','

    from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'yourviewname'



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

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