Generate SQL Server Roles Script

  • Is there a way to reverse SQL Server Roles for the server itself? I need to be able to see who is a member of sysadmins or setupadmins. Any help would be apprecaited. Thanks.

  • I think this is what ur looking for.

    In enterprise manager, Right click on the database -- > All Tasks --> Generate sql script.

    in the options tab select the checkbox script database users and database roles,

    Click okay, give it a filename,

    There ya have it.


  • Thanks! I also found a script that works. Its pretty cool and seems so simple. Here it is to check out.


    SELECT    [name],sysadmin,bulkadmin,setupadmin,serveradmin,securityadmin,


    FROM         master..syslogins

    where sysadmin =1 or bulkadmin =1 or setupadmin =1 or serveradmin =1 or securityadmin =1

    or processadmin =1 or diskadmin =1 or dbcreator =1

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