Generate random dates

  • I have start date and end date fields in database where I want to scramble the dates. How to create random dates for start date and end date should be 1 day less than start date. For example start date be 10/2/1990 and end date will be 10/3/1990.

    Thanks in advance

  • select cast(cast(RAND()*100000 as int) as datetime) will give you a random date between 1 Jan 1900 and 16 oct 2173 - you can see the range from

    select cast(cast(0*100000 as int) as datetime)


    select cast(cast(1*100000 as int) as datetime)

    if that range is not OK you need to tweak the multiplier 100000 to some other value - you can determine the value with e.g.

    Select cast(cast('1 Jan 2010' as datetime) as int)

    obviously substitute the date you want as upper limit

    that will give you a startdate - enddate is just dateadd(d,1,startdate)

  • Or you can use Dateadd() with other values (hour, minute, etc) and randomly add those to the beginning date.

  • Please don't cross-post. This has already been answered over here:

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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