Generate PK in SQL7 vs SQL2000 using DMO

  • Is there a different way to code SQLDMO to generate a unique name for a primary key in SQL7 vs. SQL2000? I am getting an error when running an app written for SQL2000 against MSDE1.0 (SQL7).

    SQL7 trace shows a unique name of N'PK_(null)_', 1 OR with Error N'PK_garbage chars

    SQL2000 trace shows unique name of N'PK_NameOfTable_', 1 and no error occurs

    Any help is appreciated.

  • No idea. Looks like you're running into a few compatibility issues. Tried a search on MSDN or google to see if you can maybe find a list? Would be interesting to see one! Short of that you may have to just run your code against SQL7/MSDE to identify what breaks and implement work arounds. Sorry Im not more helpful.


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