Generate Maintenance plan script

  • Hi

    How can I generate script from Database Maintenance plan? My scenario is to add ~ 5 servers every month (small server) so I can run the script instead of create new Maintenance plan for each server.

    Note:1) I can use the image but I really need to use script if I can.

    2) Relate jobs show link back to Maintenance plan, so script only job will not work.

    Thank you in advance.

  • How about this one?

    SELECT * FROM sysjobs sj, sysdbmaintplan_jobs sdj, sysdbmaintplans sdp WHERE sj.job_id = sdj.job_id AND sdj.plan_id = sdp.plan_id AND plan_name = 'DB Maintenance Plan1'

  • As far as I know, there isn't a way to script out a maintenance plan. They're SSIS packages, so you might be able to copy the package to a new server and change connections and such then create a job, which you can script out, to run it. I've never tried it, though.


  • This isn't a script but here's another way to get the maintenance plan on other servers.

    From Object Explorer connect to Integration Services. Expand Stored Packages/MSDB/Maintenance Plans. Right click on a plan and select Export Package. You can go directly to the other server or to a file which you could then import on the other server.

    The Jobs would still have to be scripted.

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