Generate CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH for all databases on server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Generate CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH for all databases on server

  • Quite good, but there's a small problem: in a few places where specifying the @dbname you should enclose it in [], to avoid problems when dbname is contains spaces... like [register database] for example.



  • good script and most useful for DR purposes wesley. good timing as well, I have a script to reverse engineer sp_attach_db statements, but expecting some database with more than 16 files (the limit atachdb can cope with) I need to script to do the same thing but via create...for attach.

    I expect sp_attach_db will also be deprecated in the future so this is the way to go.

    to make the output more readable I would add some char(13) to wrap the text in the following places:


    SET @sql = @sql + ','+char(13)


    CLOSE DetachData

    DEALLOCATE DetachData

    SET @sql = @sql +char(13)+' LOG ON '


    SELECT [File], [Size], [Growth], [Name], [Group]

    FROM tempdb..DetachData

    WHERE FileType = 'L'

    OPEN DetachData

    FETCH NEXT FROM DetachData INTO @file, @size, @growth, @name, @group



    SET @sql = @sql + '('

    SET @sql = @sql + 'NAME = ''' + RTRIM(@name) + ''','

    SET @sql = @sql + 'FILENAME = ''' + RTRIM(@file) + ''','

    SET @sql = @sql + 'SIZE = ' + @size + ','

    SET @sql = @sql + 'FILEGROWTH = ' + @growth

    SET @sql = @sql + ')'

    FETCH NEXT FROM DetachData INTO @file, @size, @growth, @name, @group


    SET @sql = @sql + ','+char(13)


    CLOSE DetachData

    DEALLOCATE DetachData

    SET @sql = @sql +char(13)+' FOR ATTACH '


  • ..and I should have said thanks for sharing. 🙂


  • Thanks for the feedback! I'll make the changes and post them back up.


  • Thanks for this script - see below (edited)

  • Thanks for this script - almost exactly what I was looking for. I do have one problem, though:

    I need to run this for 50 very large databases to move the files to a new drive on the same box. Works great for 48, but two of the generated CREATE strings actually are longer than 8000 chars. I set the output in my query window for 8192 text, and declared the @sql variable to (max) but it still will not print anything past the 8000th character. What to do??

    Thanks much for an otherwise excellent script.


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