Generate Column headers from Variables

  • Hi Guys

    Does any one know if it is possible to generate Column headers in select statements out of variable values without using dynamic sql?


    declare @header varchar(50)

    set @header = 'TestColumn'

    select 1 as @header

    so that it returns:




    It can be done through dynamic, eg:

    set @execStmt =

    'select 1 as ' + cast(@header as varchar(10))


    Just wondered if anyone knew if this was possible without using dynamic sql.



  • I don't think it possible.

    You can do it shorter:

    declare @header varchar(50)

    set @header = 'TestColumn'

    exec ('select 1 as ' + @header)

  • Thanks

    I had never heard of it, but it seemed like something that might have been possible, as you would have thought that having a variable column header name would not have effected a compiled execution plan.

  • A bit of a bodge, I know, but you could do :-

    declare @header varchar(50)

    set @header = 'TestColumn'

    select @header


    select convert(varchar(10),1)

    order by 1 desc

    It would mean that you'd have to do converts on every column to varchar's and you have to extract the first row as the header row. - which is OK if you're returning it as a recordset.

  • Cool, never thought of it!

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