General UDF to emulate IIF() ?

  • Can anyone point me to a UDF which would emulate the IIF() function available in other systems (e.g. VFP):

    IIF(testval, trueval, falseval)

    should be able to accept the three arguments, return the trueval if testval evaluates to true (or = 1) , the falseval otherwise. 

    Ideally it should handle returnvalues of strings, numerics or dates.. but I'd settle for one that just returned varchar..

    An example of the type of thing I would like to be able to move to SQL server:

    Select IIF(shipdate < getdate(), 'shipped','pending') as status  from ....




  • You can use T-SQL's CASE sturucture

    SELECT CASE WHEN shipdate < getdate() THEN 'shipped' ELSE 'pending' END as status

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Thanks.. but what I'm looking for is a general solution which I can implement as a UDF.

    I have a large number of Selects, Views, etc. to move from VisualFoxPro over to SQL server.. many of them use the IIF() construct. 

    What I"m looking for is a way to avoid re-coding all of them, by using a UDF which emulates the VFP IIF() function..

    Where I'm at now is something like this:



    (@test varchar(4000), @trueval varchar(4000) ,  @falseval varchar(4000))

    RETURNS varchar(4000)   AS


    Declare @return varchar (4000)

    If @test-2 = 1

    Set @return = @trueval


    Set @return = @falseval

    Return @return



    but this doesn't allow me to send an expression as the first argument which would then be evaluated as 1 or 0.., nor does it seem to be generic enough to return e.g. dates .. would I have to have one specific for each datatype?




  • You might be little out-o-luck, as far as pursuing it with a UDF, since you can not have dynamic SQL code in a T-SQL UDF . I think you may have to "parse" through your code to be able to translate the Fox code. If I think of something else, I'll try and post it.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • bummer..

    I wonder if it would work to create a udf which called an extended stored procedure to emulate the functionality of the IIF()...

    But I assume that even if it worked, it would probably be a major performance hit

  • Ya, there may be ways around doing what you want, but all the things I can think of are a lot harder than writing a quick UDF search & replace parser, and would execute orders of magnitude slower than a CASE structure.

    One instance where a built-id function may work, is the IsNULL or COALESCE, but in Fox this be like IIF(EMPTY(...), exp1, exp2).

    Good luck.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • The best way to do is to pass your scripts file through a Preprocessor ( like for compiling C programs ). Just define a macro IFF(a,b,c) as case when a then b else c end, and the proprocessor will change your code wihout problems.

    I also wrote a little vb script to replace IIF() into case. Just drag and drop the files you want to be parsed on the script. I did not have the time to get a correct regular expression, but a file like this :

    select A = IIF ( 1 = 2 , ABC , "test,'" ),

     B=IIF ( tst.a > 10 , 1 , tst.A - 5 )

    from tst

    Select IIF(shipdate < getdate() , 'shipped','pending') as status  from tst

    will be changed to this :

    select A = case when 1 = 2  then ABC  else "test,'" end,

     B=case when tst.a > 10  then 1  else tst.A - 5  end

    from tst

    Select case when shipdate < getdate() then 'shipped' else 'pending' end as status  from tst

    The script creates a subfolder IIF2SQL_parsedfiles in the folder where the dropped files are located, and recreates a parsed version of the input files there. Here is the script ( I called it IIF2SQL.vbs )



    ' Name:  IIF2SQL.vbs

    ' Version: 1.0

    ' Date:  26/05/2004

    ' Author:  Bert De Haes

    ' Description: Parses dropped files and changes IIF() syntax to SQL case syntax



    ' Default settings. Change if needed


    strexpr = """(?:[^""]|"""")*""" & "|" & "'(?:[^']|'')*'"

    numexpr = "[+-]?[0-9]*(?:[.][0-9]+)?"

    colname = "[^'()]+"

    operator= "\s*(?:[-+*/%<>]|<>|!=)\s*"

    simpleexpr = "\s*(?:" & strexpr & "|" & numexpr & "|" & colname & ")\s*"

    simpleexpr2 = simpleexpr & "(?:" & operator & "\s*" & simpleexpr & ")*"

    Func = "\s*[^'()]+\s*\(" & simpleexpr2 & "(?:\s*,\s*" & simpleexpr2 & ")*\s*\)\s*"

    simpleexpr3 = "\s*(?:" &  simpleexpr2 & "|" & Func & ")\s*"

    expr = "(\s*" & simpleexpr3 & "(?:" & operator & "\s*" & simpleexpr3 & ")*)"

    IIFexpr = "IIF\s*" & "\(\s*" & expr & "\s*,\s*" & expr & "\s*,\s*" & expr & "\s*\)"

    ' -- End default settings --

    on error resume next

    'Use filesystem objects

    set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Show Error

    Sub HadError(msg)

     WScript.Echo msg & "ERROR " & CStr(Err.Number) & " : " & Err.Description

    End Sub

    Function ParseIIF(filename)

     on error resume next

     ParseIIF = false

     set InputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)

     if err.Number <> 0 then

      HadError "fso.OpenTextFile(""" & filename & """)"

      Exit Function

     End if

     InputString = InputFile.readall()


     set InputFile = nothing

     set RegEx = New RegExp

     if err.Number <> 0 then

      HadError "set RegEx = New RegExp"

      Exit Function

     End if

     RegEx.Pattern = IIFexpr

     RegEx.Global = true

     RegEx.IgnoreCase = true

     RegEx.Multiline = true

     if err.Number <> 0 then

      HadError "set RegEx properties"

      Exit Function

     End if

     if RegEx.test(InputString) then

      if err.Number <> 0 then

       HadError "RegEx.test()"

       Exit Function

      End if

      OutputString = InputString

      ' exec

      set Matches = RegEx.Execute(InputString)

      if isobject(Matches) then

       For Each Match in Matches

        OutputString = Replace(OutputString,Match.Value,"case when " & Match.submatches(0) & " then " & Match.submatches(1) & " else " & Match.submatches(2) & " end")


      end if

      set Matches = nothing


      OutputString = InputString

     end if

     if err.Number <> 0 then

      HadError "parsing file " & filename

      set RegEx = nothing

      Exit Function

     End if

     set RegEx = nothing


     ' write result to now file

     OutputFolder = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetParentFolderName(filename),Folder)

     IF not fso.FolderExists(OutputFolder) then fso.CreateFolder(OutputFolder)

     OutputFileName = fso.BuildPath(OutputFolder , fso.GetFileName(filename))

     Set OutputFile = fso.CreateTextFile(OutputFileName, True)

     OutputFile.write (OutputString)


     set OutputFile = nothing

     OutputString = ""

     ParseIIF = true

    end function

    argc = WScript.Arguments.Count

    for i=0 to argc-1

     InputFileName = WScript.Arguments(i)

     if fso.FileExists(InputFileName) then

      ' transform



      msgbox InputFileName & " is not a file"

     end if



    set fso = nothing


  • Thanks.. that's the direction I finally took also..

  • Ilmar,

    This is probably not the answer you want to hear, but you will probably be better off in the long run to recode you VFP SQL using as much native TSQL as possible.

    I am also a VFP programmer, and I understand your problem and frustration.

    You will probably need to make use of stored procedures to handle some of the logic you have embeded in your VFP SQL, especially where you are dynamically changing the SQL code.

    A good use of SP and UDF will solve your problem.  Be sure to look at UDFs that return a table -- very powerful.

    If you need help getting started, post your VFP SQL here and ask for suggestions on how to code in TSQL.  Be sure you make good use of the SS Books Online.

    Good luck.

    Best Regards,


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