General SQL Server

  • Hi all,

    I really need help from you guys today. Please, help with the following questions.

    1. TDS/TCP/IP packages including ODBC, OLEDB, and JDBC

    2. How can we Performe SQL Code analysis and debugging and make recommendations to improve efficiency of database design

    3.How can we use CIBT development groups to achieve RISK products deployment goals within the context of CIB Technology and TS Delivery Services.

    Thanks a lot,

    I really appreciate it

  • I'm not sure you've asked questions here that make sense.

    This really sounds like homework, interview, or exam questions. You really need to provide more details and show that you've done some work yourself.

  • I would really appreciate it if you had answered these questions.

  • The first point isn't a question. Can't answer that.

    Second one, use Profiler and/or server traces. Find blocks/deadlocks, find long-running queries. Also use the system views to find unused indexes and needed indexes.

    Third one, I have no idea what you're talking about. Did an online search for "CIBT" and came up with an under-construction web page about passports and visas.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • **snicker** These ARE interview questions. I used to work for the company that used those abbreviations.

    Dude... quit using SQL Server Central to lie on a resume about your experience. I don't know who you are, but I do know the company for which those "questions" apply, and specifically the area in the company those "questions" apply to. I used to work in that area specifically.

    CIB is the abbreviation for Corporate Investment Banking, and CIBT is Corporate Investment Banking Technology which describes the group that supports technology for a very large bank. I'll bet you're interviewing for the DBA position with the RISK team.

    I recently left that organization because 80 hour work weeks don't neccesarily agree with the tennants of "marriage and family continuity".

    I'll leave out the name of the bank.

    If you're going to lie about your experience, make sure you at least know SOMETHING about what you're talking about. Don't come to SQL Server Central and post parts of the job description in hopes that you won't come off looking like an idiot.

    Steve / moderators please delete this forum topic.

  • Hi ,

    I also don't know who u are and really don't care. I would definetely like to suggest you one thing.

    YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO WRITE TO ME LIKE THAT. You cannot just doubt on some body's questions. Also if there are some questions that we can't post in this forum , you should notify that to all the members. Also stop being over confidient about yourself , that is really dangerous. I think you are the biggest idiot in this world. you are trying to act like Bill gates which is just your imagination. I don't have to lie about my resume and we don't care what company you used to work. Looks like you have good experience in lying so you doubt on others in the same way which is not right.

  • Furthermore, I just took a look at the other questions you've posted today and its clear that these are lifted directly from a technical pre-screening quiz that I wrote for that organization to weed-out non-qualified candidates. So its clear to me based on your posts you're just trying to get a job you're not really qualified for. Especially when a simple look at Books Online will give you most of the answers to these very simple questions.

    And yes, I do have every right to write to you in the fashion I did. What you are doing wastes the time of professional DBAs who have to struggle every day to make things work in an environment where there aren't a lot of helping hands. Because of what you are doing, this causes DBAs to have to weed out hundreds of non-qualified applicants personally instead of having them weeded out by a consulting company / HR rep. This in turn greatly lengthens the amount of time to aquire qualified resources to do the job.

    The reason why I had to work 80 hours a week at that orgainization was simply because we couldn't find qualified candidates to help with the mission-critical things, or even offload the remedial things so I could focus on larger challenges. What you are doing causes people like me to have to work longer hours, spend time away from our familes, and causes work-related stress. It has a real and definate impact on a much more personal level than you could possibly imagine.

    Not only does it waste my time, but it wastes the time of other professionals here who contribute to SQL Server Central and genuinely try to help out other professionals in our industry meet real challenges that we face every day. People are responding to your forum posts for things you clearly do not wish to even do a simple GOOGLE search for, or a quick glance at Microsoft's website to try to find the answers yourself.

    Finally, I'm fully aware of the test conditions that quiz is supposed to be administered under. We gave clear instructions to our consulting partners to administer the test in such a way that the candidate wasn't allowed to "cheat" by looking things up online or posting questions to places like SQL Server Central.

    So, my friend, who's lying now?

    By the way, I see your "nice" response to Steve when he kindly mentioned that you probably needed to do a little legwork on your own. That's nice treatment of a true professional. Talk about not having a right to type to someone like that...

    Don't bother responding. You'll only damage your own credability. I'm not going to bother reading it anyway if you do. I've wasted enough of my time with you.

  • Good for you Jeremy, your response was right on!

  • If you really need answers on this, please respond to my post.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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