General Setup Best Practice

  • For a SQL 2000 intranet application, is it recomended to install the SQL server on the same machine as the IIS web server. Load is not an issue as few people use this application. I am under the impression that it is a better idea to run the web app on the web server and keep the db separate. Am I correct - generally speaking?

  • I am a dyed in the wool, true blue believer of a dedicated Sql Server. It may not have a load today, but one or two years from now, after everything grows a bit, it will be.

    As a contractor, the single biggest source of work for me has been small apps, with little or no load, which have blossomed into full blown mission critical apps, and are unable to continue under their current enviroment. Scalability and efficiency were never considered as they were small apps, and not mission critical, just a tool to help out. After 3 to 6 months of use, their tools were modified to support a "couple" of reports, as the managers want to know whats what and the data is available. Then new functionality to support new processes that are now possible due to the little tool app. First thing you know, half the company is using the new tool, and the other half is wanting to report on it, and the poor little server it started out on is maxed. And of course, you have the "other" apps which got added because "there's no load on that server".

    I'm sure you see what I'm saying.

  • Generally you want to follow Scorpians advice, but I've put both on a single server.

    The things you do want to do, however, is not limit your flexibility. Don't connect with the . or localhost, or, or anything that is not easy to change. Pretend the machines are separate and be ready to move them when you need to.

    Steve Jones

  • Steve specifically why would you not use the or localhost as you are talking most likely having the connection string in a session or app variable (I prefer app when generic across all sessions) in the global.asa. I would not want to talk to anything other than the loopback address to keep unneccessarey packets of the network. I may also alias in Client Network Utility so I can keep generic in the global.asa. So why do you state oherwise.

  • If you set the connection to named pipes, a shared memory protocol, you shouldn't see network traffic. Keep in mind that while TCP/IP is faster across the wire, shared memory protocols are faster on the same box.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

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