General Network Error accessing DTS Package

  • While attempting to open a DTS Package in Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000 SP4, we receive the following information in a pop-up:

    Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description: [DBNetlib][ConnectionRead (recv()).] General Network Error. Check your network documentation.

    After clicking OK, a second pop-up states:

    The selected package cannot be opened. The DTS Designer has been closed.

    We are able to create new packages that can be executed prior to exiting the Designer. Once we have exited the Designer, any attempt to access the package results in the symptoms above.

    All other database server functionality appears to be OK. Data can be retrieved, updated, etc. The only thing that appears to not work is the accessing of the DTS packages, either directly via Enterprise Manager or via a job that runs the package.

    Has anyone else experienced this anomaly and hopefully solved the problem? Please share.

    Thank you.

  • Are these DTS packages stored in the file system or in SQL Server itself?

    If it's in SQL Server it might be worth running DBCC CHECKDB on the MSDB database.

    Do you recieve any results when running SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages?

    Hope this helps,


  • To answer the question, they were stored in the database. Queries from the msdb table did show the packages present. In fact Enterprise Manager showed the packages. We just could not open or execute them.

    Since I posted this, we discovered that a security package had been installed and turned on in our shop. When this package was turned off, we were able to access our DTS packages again. We need to tune the security package.

    Thank you for your attention to this error.

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