December 4, 2015 at 10:34 am
I've tried ssms 2012, 2014 and now use 2016 CTP3. In my situation running it on a VM that I remote desktop to, its unstable. Twice a week or so it crashes and although named sql scripts are saved in auto-recover, un-named ones are lost.
So for anything un-named I'm working on I've started using Atlantis Sql Everywhere. Still use ssms for most other things, just not new or long-running items.
The vm has plenty of memory etc etc and is kept current on patches, but I'm tired of losing work or having a long-running test query aborted by ssms' quirks.
Seems like a certain mouse-movement causes it but I've seen the Atlantis product remain stable for many weeks. I'm sure there are other light-weight/stable free tools, and situations where ssms is stable, just not here.
December 4, 2015 at 10:43 am
Not sure what is causing your problem. I have used SSMS for 2012 for several years and now using SSMS for 2014 without any of the problems you are experiencing. Of course I was/am running them directly on my laptop not a VM.
December 4, 2015 at 10:47 am
Sure, I know it works in most situations. I just prefer not to run it on my work laptop, connecting to servers over VPN, so I remote to the VM over VPN. RDP has its quirks. The event log reports when ssms crashes don't help much -- googled myself blind on it.
Sometimes you just have to do what works.
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