Future of SQL Server

  • I have a question and it has been rattling my mind for a while about the future of SQL Server? Is SQL Server going to stay in the market for a while ?

    Is SQL Server increasing it's market share? . I see google is finding success in every new thing they come up. Let it be search engine or Mobile market. They ate MS alive in these two areas. GOOGLE Chrome is on the way some time in the near future. I bet there is going to be some kind of impact in the OS market which Ms rules. I see MS is not coming out with any innovations.

    I am in the DATAWARE HOUSING project built on SQL server.

    Will microsoft loose it's OS market to GOOGLE? NOSQL is movement is on the rise. A lot of start ups have started using. It seems it might take some amount of time for NOSQL to mature and come up with more tools. But

    GOOGLE and NOSQL seems to put kind of stiff competetion. Windows SQL server market is surviving on Windows OS. If GOOGLE is going to take over the OS market shortly what is left for microsoft?. GOOGLE does everything really good take their search engines or Android.

    I am investing all my skills on SQL Server is it still worth while to learn SQL Server

  • Everything I hear these days are cloud based.

    Virtualization is the way to go, doesn't really matter what products are being used.

    It begins by taking the first step.

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